The drabble challenge is a weekly challenge , hosted by Aheila on her blog : thewriteaholicblog.wordpress.com

A reminder how it works : read the prompt and find your angle ; write a drabble ( 100 word story , give or take 5 words ) ; post a direct link to the drabble in your comments . I have fallen behind , but this piece will bring me up to date with my drabble writing .

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"Story writing is like a vehicle !" boomed Mr. Johnson to his aberrant ninth-graders . "What is the main function of a vehicle ?" This elicited mixed responses .

"To impress the chicks !" The girls sniggered .

"For drag racing !" Some boys cheered .

"As long as it moves , I don't really care !"

"Exactly ! It's about movement and transportation ." Eyes rolled upwards . "Likewise , your story should transport the reader elsewhere . The engine represents  the plot , the powerhouse . Your wheels represent ———-"

"The characters ?" a hesitant voice chipped in .

Suddenly the day seemed brighter .

"Remember that the reader is along for the ride of a lifetime . Make it worth his while !"


  1. Aheila on March 6, 2011 at 9:57 pm

    We both wrote classroom-located drabbles for that prompt! 😉
    Stories are indeed all about moving forward. And momentum. And well oiled mechanics. And the absence of holes in the floor. Good ones allow the reader to roll down the windows too and let their own air in. *laughs* Safe to say I like your analogy!

    • mish on March 7, 2011 at 2:22 pm

      Stories are indeed about all the points you mentioned and more … but a 100 word limit meant that I had to cut it down considerably . I was tempted to write an extended analogy but that wouldn’t have served the purpose of the challenge ! Thanks A ! 🙂

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