Is This The End ?


There's been some panic with regards to the 21st of May being the end of the world . So I'm just jumping on the end-of-the-world bandwagon as it rides along its bumpy winding road . I'm a little late in doing so , since today is said day . According to the prediction , this event was due to happen around 6 p.m. (about 2 hours ago , for me …) There are all sorts aboard this bandwagon , with lots of different opinions . People have reacted to this news in different ways and some have been doing strange things in preparation for their "final days" , such as quitting their jobs to spend more time with loved ones .

The one disturbing spin-off of this whole saga , is the social networking frenzy that has ensued . It has sparked many heated theological debates as bloggers pass nasty , offensive comments back and forth .

I don't really know the theory behind this chosen date . It is based on numerological proof/evidence . I'm not really a mathematical person and I don't have the time , energy or inclination to analyze the proof . I would imagine though , that it makes more sense to spend your "last days" in a constructive manner , instead of indulging in blogging mud-slinging matches !


  1. Shelly on May 22, 2011 at 1:30 am

    Well, I'm still here. All I can say is it better not come while I'm sleeping b/c I just want to sleep safe and sound in my bed.

    • mish on May 22, 2011 at 9:33 am

      Today is 22 May ~ need I say more … ? That puts an end to that !

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