PLAY TAG… for the A-Z Challenge!


So here's the thing… Jenny Pearson, a co-host of the 2012 A to Z Challenge, has come up with a fun way to promote the challenge…
If you play the game… she will add your blog to her TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List – where everyone will know you are a team player who's kickin' it with the A to Z team. The goal is to see 1,000 participants, on the sign-up list, by March 1st…so here’s your chance to pitch in and show your support by playing TAG (THE ANSWER GAME).
Are you signed up for the A to Z Challenge? 
 S eems
 I 've
G one
N uts  and
E ntered  this
D emanding  challenge
                         BUT I'M…
U ltra
P ositive!
What is your sign-up number? 
You're obviously referring to the
N umerical
U nit   for
M yriads  of
B loggers  to ensure
E asy
R ecognition
That would be #223 (subject to change if any blog links are removed…)
Are you ready? If yes…explain yourself. 
P lanning
A nd
R e-arranging
T hematic
I deas
L abour of love?  or
L esson in madness…
Y ikes!!
If you’re not ready…what’s your excuse? 
At this point, I'm out of steam…  and I need a scapegoat… so I'd have to say : Too much time spent on thisTAG post and other similar posts. LOL!
Just copy and paste these questions in your post and go for it. Let’s see what makes you a Blogging from A to Z participant!



  1. Pearson Report on February 29, 2012 at 1:05 am

    Hey Mish – very cool, very creative answers! I smiled all the way through…and then laughed at the last answer…I'm so with you – I spend way too much time planning out my posts too!
    Thank you for playing TAG with me. I have added your name to my TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List.

    Jenny @ <a href=''>Pearson Report</a>
    Co-Host of the <a href=''>Blogging from A to Z Challenge.</a>
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z


    • mish on February 29, 2012 at 12:15 pm

      Aww, thank you! I feel honoured to be on your TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List.

      I love responding to a challenge in this manner and always have a blast doing so… 

  2. Pearson Report on February 29, 2012 at 1:07 am

    Hmm…several times now, I've noticed on certain blogs my HTML coding doesn't convert! Sorry about that!  

  3. Heather Murphy on February 29, 2012 at 1:55 am

    I did it!  Although my answers weren't as exciting as yours 🙂

    • mish on February 29, 2012 at 12:16 pm

      The main thing is that you were a sport and played the game! I'm gonna swing by your place and check it out…

  4. Sarah Pearson on February 29, 2012 at 8:10 am

    I love how creative you are with these things 🙂

  5. mish on February 29, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    I love this type of thing, which involves creating words from letters… 🙂 

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