Blogfest Day 10 ~ J is for Just Thinking …
I'm posting 5 random thoughts for today . These points have been on my mind lately .
1. People really need to realise that INPUT=OUTPUT . This doesn't apply to business only . In every aspect of your life , what you put in is what you'll get out . Guaranteed . In a nutshell , put your head down , shoulder to the wheel , and full steam ahead . After all , hard work has never killed anyone (not to my knowledge , anyway …)
2. There are 3 sides to every story – my side , your side , and the TRUTH (whatever that may be) – so … keep an open mind … don't be so ready to judge a situation based on one side of a story …
3. When 20 people agree and 2 people disagree , that doesn't mean that the majority are right . They could simply be 20 misinformed , close-minded , persistent individuals .
4. What other people say about you is NOT YOUR BUSINESS ! Remember , opinions are like posterior extremities – everybody's got one !
5. The grass is not always greener on the other side . If you insist that it is , then you are either colour-blind or you're witnessing the "cultivated" Quick-Gro overnight version of grass (you know these too-good-to-be-true products from Glomail/Verimark?)
Excellent points all.
<a href="">Moody Writing</a>
Thanks Mood !!
These are great… definitely get me to thinking.
I giggled at your last one. Too funny. I could actually use some of that grass right now–we're experiencing a drought :-/
Glad you enjoyed the random thoughts … 🙂