It’s My Blogoversary !
It's my blogoversary! Yep, can you believe it? My blog is ONE YEAR OLD! It seems like just the other day I started out on this blogging journey, and now a year has passed…
It has been an INCREDIBLE journey thus far, which has taken me to the furthermost corners of the globe where I've had the honour of meeting a whole bunch of wonderful people! Thank you to everyone who has stopped by to leave a comment.
I've written 196 posts to date which include:
~ 65 drabbles (100-word stories)
~ 25 short stories/flash fiction pieces ( in varying stages of completeness/incompleteness…)
~ 26 non-fiction posts for the 2011 A-Z Challenge
~ an assortment of mini blogfests/blog hops
~ other rambles/rants/raves
Bloggers/writers are on the constant lookout for sources of inspiration. The other day, I was pondering different ways to inspire creativity. How can we keep the mind stimulated… keep those creative juices flowing… This can be done by creating sensory experiences that will spark writing ideas. I have decided that, every week, I will try to inspire the creative mind by trying something new by exploration via the 5 senses – visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and taste; as well as other word/writing prompts/challenges.
My blogging schedule will allow for a combination of part-schedule as well as spur-of-the-moment posts. It will go something like this:
~ Monday/Tuesday will be fiction posts (usually the drabble)
~ Wednesday will be Sensational Haiku/Whimsical Wednesday
~ Thursday/Friday will be the new exercises to inspire creativity
In addition to the above, there will be spontaneous posts which could pop up just about anywhere… This is not cast in stone and there may be minor adjustments from time to time…
Come April, there will be the A-Z Challenge posts throughout the month. Talking about the A-Z, you can hop over to the Blogging From A To Z April Challenge site, to check out my guest post, which is set to go live on 26th January at 5A.M. EST.
Thank you, once again, to the amazing online writing community! You guys rock! Enjoy the rest of your week. Don't forget to join me over at the A To Z Blog!
Happy Blogoversary! You must be so excited! Popped over from A-Z Challenge blog. I'm looking forward to the Challenge as well this April.
Thank you! I know it sounds cliched, but time DOES fly. Meet you in April during the challenge…
Congratulations on the first year–you have been prolific and your content so far is good. Keep it going! Great post on the A to Z Blog.
<a href="">Tossing It Out</a>
Thanks Lee. I've really enjoyed the first year & am revving up for this coming year… and especially April.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! again on your first year of blogging. You have an amazing and always interesting blog. I'm always impressed by how varied and prolific your writing is, and most of all with your ability to capture emotions and images which bring out your point so well. Keep going, Mish! You have a great talent!
Your unwavering support has helped to keep me going, Ryan. Thanks once again. 🙂
Happy blogaversary! Oh what a milestone indeed. This reminds me, I probably have to check when my own blogaversary is. haha. Congratulations I look forward to more posts!
You'd better check it out early, or else you may forget and it will just pass you by… 🙂 Thanks Nutschell.
Thanks for posting such a great piece at A-Z! I did notice that in your above mention of it, you said April instead of January…but I think that's forgiveable since Arlee called you Alana! <snort>
Nice to find your blog and start hanging out.
<a href="">Tina @ Life is Good</a>
<a href="">Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge</a>
Twitter: #atozchallenge
Glad you liked the piece, Tina!
Okay… touche' 🙂 I fixed the error! 🙂 Look forward to more visits from you…
Happy belated bloggerversary! Your schedule sounds good. 😀
Thanks Misha. Creating the schedule is the easy part – keeping it going is the challenging part!
Happy anniversary Mish! Your new schedule sounds like a good plan to me, especially the exercises to inspire writing 😉 Good going!
Well, now that I’ve more-or-less settled into some sort of blogging routine, I need to work on creative growth… so hopefully the exercises will help… thanks!
Happy first birthday Mish! Many more to come, filled with beauty and words of wisdom!
Thank you for the birthday wishes & for being an important part of my exciting journey thus far… 🙂
Late to wish you a happy birthday but I'll do so anyway: "Happy Blogversary!"
I signed up for the April A to Z blog challenge and happened to see your post there. I'm gonna give it a go this year for the first time. I'm looking forward to a new, regular blog challenge now that I'm not doing ROW80 anymore.
Thank you for the wishes, Claire. I remember that you were one of the first people I connected with when I started my blog a year ago…
The A-Z Challenge is an amazing experience… you'll have a blast! 🙂
I'm a few days late, but hearty congrats on your first anniversary. I can still remember mine – I hadn't expected to last that long – so guess I can imagine how you feel. Here's to your next anniversary!
Thank you for taking the time to drop by Dave. And thanks for the hearty wishes.
… in terms of blogging, the last year is like a blur… it’s come & gone, just like that…