Here is the first challenge for the Writers' Platform Building Campaign hosted by Rachael Harrie .
Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less , excluding the title . It can be in any format , including a poem . Begin the story with the words , "The door swung open ". These four words will be included in the word count .
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), use the same beginning words and end with the words :"the door swung shut". (also included in the word count)
For those who want an even greater challenge , make your story 200 words EXACTLY !
So I've decided to accept all the "added extras" – here is my 200 word piece beginning and ending with the given words !
The door swung open . It was time . I stepped into the cavernous depths of the empty room .
Fragments of countless conversations flooded my mind .
"Give up the ghost ! Let go ! Move forward !" I had grown tired of hearing it . Like a scratched long-playing record , the needle stuck in one groove . I called them my vinyl moments .
"And let the past years go to waste ? You've gotta be kidding ! After all my hard work … month in and month out …"
"It's destined to end in heartache !" I wondered what possible heartache could still be in store . She may as well have been speaking a foreign language . It was futile .
"But I'm so close . Within forty eight hours 'the truth' will be revealed ." That thought was lodged in my brain . But what is truth anyway ? Especially after twenty odd years ? Events become blurred . Memory rendered unreliable .
I should have left well alone . As the saying goes "let sleeping dogs lie". Instead , I pursued it. I probed and pushed – even punished myself – had to disturb the sleeping dog and , instead of the pampered poodle of my deluded imagination , I unleashed a ferocious , raving pitbull !
I faced my nemesis . Behind me , the door swung shut .
You had to end it there??? Waaaaah!
Sorrreee … 🙂 remember the 200-word limit ? Exactly !
want toknow more now! hi from a fellow campaigner. Number 62 in the list.
… and so do I Jane … and so do I LOL !
I like it. This is so cool how no two are alike. I'm #72
It’s amazing how many different pieces are generated from the same prompt ….
Ha, I think we all have a few *vinal moments* 😉
You probably right … just with a different name , but the same thing … 🙂
Whoa! Totally drew me in and I want more, more, more …
Rose nicely to the challenge, Mish…and I loved the "sleeping dog" vs. the "pampered poodle" thing.
Thanks Jamie … life is funny , and the ‘truth’ is not always what you want it to be … 🙂
Hi! So I'm wondering… How does it end? Who or what is the pitbull? Curious readers would like to know.
The 200 word limit prevented me from making that discovery … 🙂
so mysterious! and adamant!
tell us what happens!
great job, mish =)
Thanks Tara … wish I could … but I can’t … not at this stage , anyway !
Very nicely done! I love the ending, her facing her nemesis.
Thanks for poppng in ! 🙂
You completely drew me in. Now I want to know what that "truth" was!
Thanks for commenting on my entry 🙂 Looking forward to the next assignment!
So happy you were drawn into the piece 🙂 We will meet up again in the next task !
"Vinyl moments"–great phrase, that. Fantastic take on the prompt!
Thanks so much Jes !
Oh my gosh that's awesome! I wish you had written more!! And thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to meet you 🙂
nice. a strong voice for a strong heroine!
Thanks! it is amazing how different the stories are. I really enjoyed it. 🙂
Mish, thanks for the comments on my entry. Thought I would jump over and read yours before digging in to the others. What a great surprise! I love the voice and the pace. I would definitely keep reading.
Really enjoyed your piece! Loved the overall metaphor — facing demons. Way cool! Thanks for also putting your number in your comment on piece, Helps with tracking a bit. T #234
I love your "vinyl moments" line. So descriptive. Great post! Thanks for stopping by mine!
I like this. It's one I'd like to know more about. "Raging pitbull" brought some vivid images to me.
But. noooo, that can't be the end of it???
I love the tension!
What a teaser! I want to read more. I love the long-playing record and vinyl moments metaphor. Very nice flash fiction, I must say.
Thanks for the visit to my blog, as well 🙂 Happy Campaigning!
A big thank you to all my fellow campaigners who popped in to read my contribution and leave a comment ! I appreciate each and every one . 🙂 🙂
Wow, great story! I love that you managed all three "extra challenges"! (I did that too!! – check it out #262) Can't wait to hear more from you 🙂
Ooo, very interesting! I like how she got herself into the mess by pursuing the truth. 😉
Wow! You really have me curious! Thanks for sharing this 🙂
<a href="">Writing Through College</a>
Oh, that was cool. Nice descriptions and great tension.
"vinyl moments" Hee hee. <3 Nicely done.
Nicely done…I wanted to read more…
I like this! Makes me want to read more.
I love how so many completely different stories can come from one prompt!
Like a scratched long-playing record, the needle stuck in one groove. I called them my vinyl moments.
I like that image 🙂
Thank you to all my fellow campaigners for popping in and leaving such wonderful comments ! I appreciate each and every one of them ! 🙂 🙂 What an amazing online support structure ! You guys ROCK !!! 🙂 🙂
Nice build up. Just as things are about to explode.
Leaves me with a feeling of curious anticipation. I think opinion demands you will have to write more of this, very well done.
Interesting twist at the end. Congrats on meeting those extra challenges, too. 😀
Intriguing piece!
Hi Mish, just paying you a return campaign visit and waving from the UK.
Loved your profile 🙂
This peaked my curiosity and left me wanting to read more. Great job!
Who is she about to face? An fascinating piece that left me asking lots of questions! Great work!
Thank you so much for ending it right there! Your use of imagery was well-done!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
"Like a scratched long-playing record , the needle stuck in one groove"
What an awesome line! Great suspense 😉
I'm with Shelley (Hi Shelley!), I actually really enjoyed that line as well. Well done. =)
very haunting piece. glad to see you push forward with courage.
Thanks once again for all the wonderful comments ! 🙂 🙂
In your scene you've opened the door on a world you have created 😉
I was drawn into the ghost story and would love to know more.
I'm with everyone else – loved the poodle to pitbull imagery.
Good luck with the challenge.
And then what happened? Love the vinyl moments line!
Darn 200 words limit! Now we'll never know what happens next!
Proof that pursuing the truth isn't always the best way to go 😉 Would love to know more about this. Well written.
A raving pitbull is not to be messed with!
<a href="">Tossing It Out</a>
Yea, I like your term "Vinal Moments." 🙂 Ravinous pit bull certainly grabbed me after talking about letting sleeping dogs lie.
Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you for all the comments ! 🙂