Bluebell Books Short Story Slam
Bluebell SSS Prompt No. 8 ~ There Are None So Blind …
"That's the same girl ! There she is !" He couldn't contain his excitement . "Stop pointing ! It's rude !" She glared at him , annoyance written all over her face , flicked his finger . Up ahead , about three rows from the front , two girls whispered , excitedly , faces…
Read MoreBluebell SSS Prompt No. 7 ~ A Safari Gathering …
Create a story, a prose or a poem using at least 4 words from the Wordle given above.…
Read MoreBluebell SSS Prompt No. 6 ~ The Dog And The Elephant
At dusk , with a few stars scattered in the sky , Scotty and Ernie set off for home . As usual , it had been a fun-filled day . They walked in silence , at a leisurely pace , side by side , content to enjoy the peaceful hour . "Say Ernie…
Read MoreBluebell SSS Prompt No. 5 ~ Adventure In Plantsville
"Do you think plants have feelings ?" Four-year-old Sara Jane blurted , eyes glued to the miniature pot plant . Granny Megs paused , looked up from the paper she was reading . She was lost for words ! "What do YOU think ?" she answered . It was best this way…
Read MoreBluebell SSS Prompt No. 4 ~ Rhapsody In Blue
The wharf was a picturesque hive of activity . A dozen little , white boats moored at the water's edge , jostled for space , bobbing in the breeze , cerulean-coloured sails flapping , impatient to leave on their maiden adventure . "They…
Read MoreBluebell SSS Prompt No. 3 ~ A Grey And Stormy Moment …
The sky is overcast . The atmosphere thick as it sizzles in anticipation . Grey clouds gather … and then , as if the fast-forward remote control button has been activated , the scene speeds up , more and more clouds are added … time moves forward … restless and urgent … like the…
Read MoreBluebell SSS Prompt No. 2 ~ A Man & His Horse
It happened more than 20 years ago … To this day , the folk agree on one thing , the weather was sure strange on that particular day . The morning started off , sunny and clear . The midday sun slipped behind the gathering clouds , peeking out every now and then ,…
Read MoreBluebell SSS Prompt No. 1 ~ Up & Away
It is the perfect gift Rising up into the sky Suspended above the earth The travellers soak up the atmosphere At one with the elements of Earth , wind and fire As they float over the countryside Weightless … soundless … Adjust the blindfold Prepare for the surprise of a lifetime And a few…
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