CHRIS & J.T. ~ Friday

Early afternoon . Sound of the bakkie in the yard . Two loud voices …

CHRIS : (shouting from the front door): Joey's here , honey !

No need for an announcement , dude .

JOEY : Good evening , merrem . Hope I'm not disturbing you . I don't mean to intrude but your hubby invited me for a snack of leftovers . Some of that delicious curry you made .

Chris' eyes roll upwards .

CHRIS : Full of sweet talk , hey ? (turns to me) Behind your back he tells everyone how you rationed him on the last meal .

JOEY : (slightly embarrassed) Merrem , you don't believe that , do you ?

CHRIS : You can fall for his stories but I know better !

JOEY : (dramatically) And this is for you , merrem . (pulls out a chocolate) For allowing your husband to transport me all over .

CHRIS : (under his breath) Ruggie (backstabber)

JOEY : Lightie , what say we do the Makro run tomorrow morning , early bells …

CHRIS : I already went last night !

JOEY : Why you never told me ?

Behind J.T's back , Chris throws his hands in the air . A look of sheer disbelief on his face . I smile . Everything is as it should be .

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