The drabble challenge isa weekly challenge , hosted by Aheila on her blog : http://thewriteaholicblog.wordpress.com A reminder how it works : read the prompt and find your angle ; write a drabble (100 word story , give or take 5 words) ; post a direct link to the drable in your comments .
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They gather around . Comfortable and easy-going banter ensues . The doorbell interrupts the camaraderie . A uniformed officer stands , glum and intrusive . For a few seconds , a loaded silence , the tableau imprints itself upon his mind . The nightmare unfolds . A heavy mood descends … hovers … and settles . Some attempt to swallow the last few morsels which lodge in constricted throats . Sausages and eggs congeal on the plates . Neglected toast burns to a crisp cinder . Coffee in familiar hand-painted mugs , forgotten and cold . The most important meal of the day marks the pain of a lifetime . Breakfast will never be the same again .
that is so sad, and unfortunately happens too often.
you did a good job with it.
drew out the melancholy.
Yep ~ a snippet from real-life , which is a common occurrence ! It is sometimes viewed as ‘bad timing’ ~ but there is no correct time or manner in which to deliver such news !
Just desserts served or rather just bf not served? 🙂
Perfect observation ~ dependent upon the context … 🙂
Hey, M! Very effective and truly captures the emotions that tragic news creates. I like your crisp, descriptive writing style!
Thanks R ~~ I think that descriptive writing is part and parcel of my writing style ~ I’m glad you liked it ! 🙂
My heart bleeds and I hate you right now. So… awesome job! 😉
Bad news often has a knack of arriving at the most inappropriate moment … though I suppose there’s no correct time for delivery of such news … thanks A !! 🙂