The drabble challenge is a weekly challenge , hosted by Aheila on her blog : http://thewriteaholicblog.wordpress.com A reminder how it works : read the prompt and find your angle ; write a drabble (100 word story , give or take 5 words) ; post a direct link to the drabble in your comments .
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A delicately , flower-patterned , highly valuable and priceless antique teacup survives despite being handled , dropped and broken . It has little gaps and cracks which add to the effect that time has left on its beauty . Within these cracks and disjointed flower patterns is a story to be told . Life is just like an antique teacup , filled with storms and chamomile . Often , bits of ourselves are found lying on the floor and the patterns of our past , reveal gaps and cracks . But , we remain beautiful , priceless , invaluable . The indomitable human spirit has the ability to transcend the times we have been handled , dropped and broken .
imaginative analogy!
Thanks ~ I wasn’t sure which angle to use for this prompt …
very interesting challenge,
your blog post is delightful.
Welcome to my blog Jingle . Yes , this challenge is wonderful & an excellent way in which to keep those mental muscles exercised . Thank you for visiting my blog .
that was a great drabble. it made me think of the people in alabama picking up the pieces of their lives.
ps – I've tried a couple of times to follow your blog but I can't get your home page to work…?
It’s such a shame … those people have really had it rough with the terrible storms …
I need to add the Friends Follow Widget to my blog ~ will do so asap
Great drabble! It's quite challenging to tell a story in 100 words. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for popping in Laura ~ it’s a pleasure to meet you ! 🙂