The drabble challenge is a weekly challenge , hosted by Aheila on her blog : http://thewriteaholicblog.wordpress.com A reminder how it works : read the prompt and find your angle ; write a drabble (100 word story , give or take 5 words) ; post a direct link to the drabble in your comments.
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Pinpoint , prick , spot , speck , blip … childhood memories of join the dots and dominoes … polka dots … adult nightmares of sign on the dotted line and Morse Code … a landscape dotted with cottages and a dot of a child … dot over i …
In the dot com era , a Dot Diva uses the power of computing to make a difference in the world . The bindi dot is a red circular spot worn on the forehead by Indian women . Have you heard of the Chinese 3-dot tattoo ? Or seen the Aborogine dot paintings ? And my favourite is the punctuation that I use in my writings , the ellipsis …
A vast range of contexts for the unassuming dot!
Well said – and yet there are so many other fascinating contexts that I couldn’t include due to word constraints !