The drabble challenge is a weekly challenge , hosted by Aheila on her blog : http://thewriteaholicblog.wordpress.com A reminder how it works : read the prompt and find your angle ; write a drabble (100 word story , give or take 5 words) ; post a direct link to the drabble in your comments .


Your heart pounds , your palms sweat , your bodily functions are on high alert and the starter gun fires . You are off like a missile , a trajectory on a pre-determined course , hurtling through the air at high speed as light as a butterfly caught in the cross-current of a wind , moving inexorably towards an inescapable truth . The roar of the crowd registers dimly on the edge of consciousness , the finishing line looms suddenly up ahead , unannounced and beckoning . Victory is an exhilirating sense of disbelief as the mind wrestles with the physical reality of bursting triumphantly through the finishing line .


  1. Raghu on April 9, 2011 at 1:24 am

    the build up to the final moments – the tension seeps thru!

    • mish on April 9, 2011 at 11:15 am

      I’m not really one for running , but would imagine this is what the sprint is all about !

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