Five Sentence Fiction #7 – FAERIES
What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week the hostess will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.
Seated upon a ragwort, a pretty will-o'-the-wisp in shimmering garments with a hat of purple foxglove studied the little girl, and put a hand to her mouth in an attempt to stifle a giggle.
The world had transformed into a rainbow-coloured, multi-faceted chocolate wonderland, which oozed… dripped… poured… solidified…
Chelsea looked around in utter confusion.
"Welcome to ChoccyWoccyDoodah Land," the creature with the sing-song voice piped up," there's an abundance of chocolate to cater for your every fantasy, in every imaginable form, shape and size; but do not, under any circumstances, go near the birches, and the four-leafed clover is forbidden territory."
The last memory Chelsea had, was hiding from her mom and sneaking off to gorge the edible primrose florets which adorned the giant fairy chocolate cake, that was on display at the local bakery…
Sounds like my kinda world, lol. Like those forbidden, and I’m sure tempting, places where she’s not to go. Very descriptive with an air of mystery, M!
Thanks R! So you're a lover of the decadent kinda worlds, are you…?
I got hungry reading this! And I think this is the first time I've read something of yours written in a fantasy genre. I like it and loved your description of the will-o'-the-wisp. (:
LOL. You're obviously a chocaholic! 🙂 The fantasy genre is really stepping outside of my comfort zone… I don't think I'm very good at it and always imagine that it comes across as clumsy or forced…? I don't know much about faeries either. But I'm keen to learn new things and definitely want to improve on my writing, and how will I achieve that if I'm close-minded and not willing to think "out-of-the-box"?
"Thinking out of the box" is my great challenge, too. I love this gooey-yummy piece. Why do I have the feeling that Chelsea will not be able to resist the birches or four-leaf clovers? 😉
Gooey-yummy? *chuckles* I didn't have a clue what to do with this prompt… Faeries/fantasy is NOT my strong point! And if she goes for the birches/four-leaf clovers, then she'll have to accept the consequences of those actions… 🙂
Ooo. I kind of wish I liked chocolate a little more because this place sounds very fun. Nicely done. 🙂
Thanks for the visit CC! Surprisingly, I'm not a chocolate-lover either… 🙂
I love sharply-spun circular tales, where the ending is really the beginning – and the shorter the tale, the harder it is to pull off. And you did it in 5 sentences?!? Girl, you rock. Nice work!
PS Found you through the FSF lineup. Glad to find another writer-ly soul!
I'm so happy to meet you, Angela! *waves* I loved your combination of prose/poetry for this prompt… and thank you for the kind comment – I didn't plan the piece as a circular tale, it just unfolded in this manner…
I love chocolate and fairies. Nice piece as always.
I'm sending hugs and virtual chocolate bars your way———- Whoosh————*and off they go flying across the blogiverse*
I like it. It's a fun story. Nice writing Michelle. 🙂
Thank you for the visit and comment, JB. 🙂
Mish, this is so good. I just love your descriptions and the fun story-line. You drew me right into that world.
Thank you Victoria! I'm glad you were in the moment…
Choccywoccydoodah land? That's a great name! Sounds like my kind of place!
*chuckles* ChoccyWoccyDoodah Land is the inspiration for this piece! I started off with the word, and built the story around it… I couldn't resist using it! It's such a fun name… 🙂
This is a fun piece with a surprise ending. Hope the cake baker didn't catch her destroying his masterpiece. Nice work.
Once she was transported to ChoccyWoccyDoodah Land, it didn't really matter… 🙂 Thanks Lora!
Very clever, Michelle. And I'll remember not to sneak any frosting from faerie cakes.
Thanks Alex! I was under pressure when I saw the prompt…. faeries/fantasy is not one of my strengths. I even contemplated passing on this one, but then realised that I have to try new/different things…
A chocolate wonderland…. when can I move in? 😉
You'll have to join the queue… and let me warn you, it's long and winding… :)… actually stretches around the bend and continues for three blocks…
cah-razy good!
how fun!! great job creating a fantasy world with danger!
Thanks TTT! *grin from ear to ear*
What a wonderful world to explore! Great entry!
<a href=>CarolynBrown-Books</a>
Thanks Carolyn… it's every chocoholic's dream world… 🙂
Egads!! I knew ChoccyWoccydoodah Land was real!! Truly wonderful read!! 🙂
Ms. Bullish, coming from you, that's made my day!! *does the happy dance*
Super, Michelle. I liked reading this a lot. The picture is awesome 🙂
Thanks for the lovely comment, Rachna! 🙂
Ha – great descriptions "oozed….dripped….poured….solidified" — very visceral. Of course, we all know Chelsea is going right for the birches…
Ha! You're so right, Brian…. never tell a child what he/she shouldn't do… it simply stirs his/her curiosity!
Oh, to be part of that world 🙂 Nice job!!!
Is that the voice of a chocolate-lover that I hear? LOL! Thanks for the visit! 🙂
Super chocolicious and yes, too much of the chocolate world with tiny fairies in it can be dangerous to the heart and mind. 🙂
Ah Rekha, you of all people would know about it… much more than I do… 🙂
I used to be (and by "used to be", I mean "still am") mesmerized by the whole edible-candy-chocolate-world thing. Even the gingerbread house seemed like it might almost be a fair trade. I like the ending of this one!
Thanks Stephanie! It's nice to hear from you… maybe you could design some faerie clay-people for a future post…?
Oooh…someone(s) will be mighty unhappy shortly!
… unhappy? Mmmm… I wonder who that "someone" might be…?
Hi Michelle, I just found your comment on my Fairy/faerie story. Strangely it was in my spam filter and since I'm just getting used to WP, I never thought to check that darn file. Anyway, your story!
A lovely, magical, delicate childhood lesson – really really enjoyed!
Thanks Jo-Anne! I've noticed that a few other comments on FSF fellow bloggers sites have been swallowed by spammer. Thanks for the visit and generous comment!