Five Sentence Fiction #18 – POTIONS
What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week the hostess will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.
A sleek vehicle pulled up in front of the tiny shop which was the essence of ye-olde-worlde-charm, boasting a quaint exterior overhung with vines; and an expensively-clad passenger alighted from the back and proceeded along the cobble-stoned pathway, on the final phase of her journey.
The musty interior was as she had remembered it, along with the ancient and wizened man whose piercing gaze, even from a distance, hinted at a wealth of unshared knowledge, and bored right through her.
He held out a cylindrical, ring-necked glass apothecary jar which contained the concoction, removed the glass stopper and transferred the contents to a burnished receptacle.
The woman's expectant lips touched the rim of the goblet.
Tonight she would be re-born; tomorrow, she would conquer the world…
Great expectations.
Such vivid imagery in this! I loved it! I think this was my favorite "the essence of ye-olde-worlde-charm."
Nice! I have an awesome image in my head to go with this! 🙂
What was in that potion???
A mysterious start of a story? Lovely post and what atmosphere! Wish to read more! 🙂
You had some really great lines with this one.
Hugs anc chocolate,
Now we need a potion to take away her powers.
Great character descriptions in so little words!
Love the atmosphere and the mystery. I want to read more. Terrific imagery and description. Beautifully written, M!
Intriguing! I love the use of all the senses!
Ooo. I'm ready for chapter one!
Not only do you have the characters down, but in such a short piece you made the setting come alive.
I'll have what she's having.
I love, love, love this. Great flash and would work equally well as the prologue to a novel 🙂
Happy Weekend!
And I get that potion where?
Michelle, detailed imagery set the scene very well :)) I think she'll regret wanting to conquer the world though! Nicely done :))
Loved the picture, really loved the story. I want to read more!!!!
Nice! What a picture too.
Yikes! What was in that concoction?! Great job, Michelle! I saw her in my minds eye. The setting, character, etc. Wonderful flash. The picture adds to your words. *waving and smiling*
I love the details in this piece. This would make a wonderful opeing to a novel 🙂
I hope the outcome is what she wants something tells me dabbling in magic to achieve success will not produce the outcome she desires. Loved this piece
This, for me has all the elements of the things I like; a touch of fantasy, some suspence, potential horror and a power-hungry female lead. It put me in mind of a mix of Harry Potter, Supernatural and dare I say it, Terry Pratchett. All good. Loved it 🙂
Good imaginery and I could visualise it all through!
I agree with Carol that this would be a great "prologue for a novel!" You do have a gift for building suspense.
Hi Michelle!
Love it! I want to find that shop and concoct a potion of my own. 😉
You know what they say about people with tiny fists?
They have tiny gloves.
All kidding aside (tough for me), this is a pretty neat concept.
Love it. She will totally conquer the world! Wonderful job!
More please! I'd love to know about the following day.
This just begs to be continued…please!