You've got to hand it to our nation . They're full of surprises . Whether of a good or bad nature . The dichotomy of positive and negative . I remember last year this time , it was the jubilation of the World Cup followed by the devastation of the public servants' strike . The ups and the downs … A nation caught in the grip of a teenage democracy … walking a fine line … you never know what to expect next … And in between all the doom and gloom , little nuggets reveal themselves . Little nuggets of inspiration . Of encouragement . Which sustain hope . Hang in there …

At present , we are in the final stages of our Idols (singing) competition . It took my mind back to last year ……….Amidst all the glamour and festivities of last year's Idols finale , the defining moment , for me , was the golden-nugget-of-a-moment , when the winner turned to salute his opponent . To credit the other guy . To acknowledge the tight finish . It could have gone either way . And then announce , live on national tele , that the final prize money would be split equally between them . Each one taking R250 00-00 … pre-discussed and mutually agreed upon . And vice versa , should the decision have gone the other way .

I wondered … nobody , and I mean absolutely nobody , just decides to share a huge amount of money with a virtual stranger ! Because in essence , that's what they were . I mean , how long had the two known each other ? A few months ? I can't think of any other competition where the final two have made a pact of this nature . I mean , it's normally down to the wire … winner takes all … and may the best man win ! What was it ? Did they connect on a deeper level … forge a special bond … ? In time , the competition will become a distant memory … their names will fade away … but that little nugget of info will shine on !


  1. Shelly on August 22, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    There are always nuggets of hope in piles of kaka.

    • mish on August 22, 2011 at 6:27 pm

      *chuckles* That’s a good way of looking at it … 🙂

  2. Victoria on August 24, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    Wow, that's quite a testament to the spirit of generosity.

    • mish on August 24, 2011 at 5:13 pm

      You’re spot on … though there were some people who viewed it as stupidity … different strokes for different folks … ?

  3. Blaga on August 24, 2011 at 9:14 pm

    That was a very kind act … and you're right, the names will fade away, even the Idols event, but the act will stay, Not every day you witness such things!

    • mish on August 25, 2011 at 6:26 am

      That’s a real act of unselfishness , especially in this economic climate where many are battling to make ends meet !

  4. Isadora on August 26, 2011 at 11:43 am

    Well said … generousity is so rare now-a-days. I suppose
    we have become too skeptical. It is something to think about.

    • mish on August 26, 2011 at 1:35 pm

      It is often regarded as stupidity . We have lost that compassion for our fellow beings … become de-sensitised , to a large degree … It is definitely food for thought ! Thanks Isadora 🙂

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