G is for GONG
Welcome to Day 7 of the Third Annual A to Z Challenge! I'm late… AGAIN! So this will be a rushed post… I need to play catch up… please bear with me…
My theme – my 26 fiction posts will revolve around something musical – it could be anything, as long as it's musically-related… maybe a song title, an artist/band, musical terminology, musical instruments, words relating to sound/rhythm/movement/dance etc.
MUSICAL ASSOCIATION/CONNECTION. GONG – a metal disk with a turned rim, giving a resonant note when struck.
Amidst a Zen-like environment.
The sliding doors led onto an eco-friendly patio.
A waterfall cascaded in the corner.
Muted strains of a Gregorian chant wafted from hidden speakers.
Bare-footed servant girls floated about. They appeared from nowhere, and disappeared into thin air.
Little cups of tea, accompanied by tiny cakes appeared and disappeared.
Everything was smooth, efficient and like clockwork.
Almost too good to be true.
A distant gong sounded… once… twice… thrice…
It was time…
We were escorted down a long corridor of gleaming floors which had been polished to a high gloss. Along the entire length of this passageway, were doors on either side, each door exactly two metres apart, in perfect symmetry. The procession moved along, walking at a slow pace.
Time seemed to be suspended.
Tranquility reigned supreme.
An unexpected and abrupt moment signalled the end of the passageway… introducing the first discordant note in the entire experience… it was a sign of things to come.
* * * * * * * *
Interesting idea to use musical instruments as your theme. Well-done! Good luck with A to Z!
… though it is proving to be QUITE the challenge… 🙂 Thanks Mary.
Better late than never, yes? I found my way over here via the A-Z challenge. I love the design of your blog, it is nice not to be innundated with colour pops. 🙂 You chose an interesting way of theming your posts too: the sounds of fiction… nice.
A-Z 2012 (#49) – <a href="http://bloggitwrite.blogspot.com/">Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 – Poetry</a>
A-Z 2012 (#861) – <a href="http://bloggitwrite-a-z.blogspot.com/">Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 – Haiku</a>
I love the way you've put it: sounds of fiction. Interesting angle… 🙂 And yes, it is NEVER too late. (and as a "late bloomer" when it comes to writing, I'm a perfect example of that…)
I love your musical theme, very creative.
Thanks Cindy.
I finished reading The Hunger Games yesterday, so I'm imagining something like that experience. Where the kids are all dressed up and put on display. They have music and trumpets, fanfare and processionals. All that lead up to horrors beyond imagination.
I have absolutely NO idea what the Hunger Games is all about… thanks for enlightening me. Now that you've mentioned this, I'll have to get my hands on the book. You've piqued my curiosity… 🙂
Sometimes the perfect setting hides dark horrors in its ugly belly. A well written tale.
Moral: Never believe everything that you see… if it seems to good to be true, it probably is… always keep an open mind…
I am intrigued. I always love a lovely sounding 'gong' too!
Intrigue is the name of the game…:)