H is for Human Diversity…
Welcome to your daily dose of inspiration:
In Darkness Be Light.
Since social media and news in recent times has been filled with so much hate and negativity, these simple reminders aim at promoting positivity and lightening up your day.
Human diversity makes tolerance more than a virtue; it makes it a requirement for survival. Rene Dubos
Would you like to be a part of spreading positivity? Check out the We Are The World Blogfest, which aims at promoting positive news. Here’s the shortened version:
- Keep your post to below 500 words, as much as possible.
- All we ask is you link to a human news story on your blog on the last Friday of each month, one that shows love, humanity, and brotherhood. Something like this news, about a man who only fosters terminally ill children.
- Join us on the last Friday of each month in sharing news.
For more information, go HERE
Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life, and on every level and on every stage, because it plays a vital role to establish peace and love, from the smallest unit up to the highest unit of society. Showing respect and tolerance to the opinions of others does not necessarily mean you have to compromise your principles or embrace or accept others’ ideas. It is simply a matter of fundamental human rights.
Is social tolerance the key to managing human diversity?
Thanks Michelle – I often wonder how I would feel if I were to be ‘tolerated’ or how anyone else for that matter would feel. It sort of implies to me that others who feel superior will nevertheless tolerate me, with my warts and all.. In its best sense it means to me that others’ views or opinions may differ radically to mine yet I respect the difference and suspend any judgment.
Hi Michelle – hate shouldn’t exist should it .. or let bully boys lead others to hate. we certainly need to appreciate others’ ideas and understand their way of life … and that applies to us all – each person … we all live in the same space and we should respect each other. Reaching out and offering another viewpoint for others to consider can sometimes help – human diversity is so wonderful and should be appreciated for all its goodness, not its hate.
We are the World Blogfest – In Darkness There Be Light … a great way to spread positivity … thanks for creating these wonderful posts during the A-Z .. cheers Hilary
Without tolerance you don’t have diversity, and without diversity you soon don’t have a world.
India is a country of unity in diversity. Here we live with so many different people from different faiths. To achieve common goals, tolerance becomes key virtue…and yes it is a basic minimal survival instinct too! But with diversity and mutual respect, we thrive…and are part of Incredible India!!!
Team MocktailMommies
Collage Of Life
That is a very true statement.
The blog hop is such a great idea to share positive stories. Unity in diversity is what we should aim for. Hugs, Michelle!
True, but I don’t know how to get there. Nothing seems to work. So, I just make the effort (which isn’t very difficult; people generally are nice) to my own little world.
I remember reading somewhere how boring life would be if we were all exactly the same. How would we survive if none of us knew how to farm or ranch? If there was no art of any kind the world would be a poor, colorless place. Human Diversity is the key to our survival and our ability to see beyond our own self. Be enlightened by the positivity that others have to share. ~fellow #WATWB member
I hope I live to see the day when all people understand that diversity is not only wonderful, but necessary.
I’ve never liked the word tolerance. Simple human kindness would be better. I don’t want to tolerate I want to know, to understand, to accept and embrace!
Wonderful quote. I agree heartily with it. We’re all different so it’s important to respect those differences. Otherwise, we’ll just kill each other off.
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
Without tolerance, human diversity becomes a battle of wits, survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive in an atmosphere of intolerance. War, genocide, and murder are bred from inhumanity, which tolerates nothing deemed unacceptable.
Live and let live. If everyone did that, the world would undoubtedly be a lot kinder.