Tons of bloggers gearing up
Blogosphere abuzz
What's the hype about?
A to Z April Challenge
Just two weeks away!
If you would like to read more wonderful haiku entries, go to Jenn's blog.
… now for our weekly dose of weird, whacky and sometimes wonderful words (from the dag's dictionary)…
Jetiquette – the etiquette expected when flying, whereby one should share the armrest with the person in the next seat, and at the same time refrain from falling asleep on their shoulder, dribbling…
Paparatio – the tendency for a Hollywood marriage to last, in inverse proportion to the number of paparazzi covering the wedding ceremony…
Now you've got me curious! What's the A to Z April Challenge? Where can I find out more? Fevered Excitement
I dropped you a mail wrt the A-Z challenge.
Ah, a new challenge – fun! Exciting haiku 😉
Thanks for swinging by, Jenn. 🙂
Sounds exciting, indeed. It seems there will be two challenges in April. The other one is at Haiku Heights. Check it out!
It's very exciting – a real rollercoaster ride… I'm on my way to check it out… thanks for the info.
Wow, that really is exciting, thanks for the reminder!
Thanks Bruce!