i-Spy Picspiration #1
So here you have it folks…..
My VERY FIRST i-Pad photograph…
YES! None other than my dog……
Isn’t he a beauty? Come on, admit it, if a dog could be called handsome, then he would fit the description.
It got me thinking about the English language. A dog is loving and loyal, and man's best friend, then why target the dog for the following idioms/proverbs which convey negativity?
~ Dog eat dog world…
~ Throw someone to the dogs…
~ Not a dog's chance…
~ In the dog house…
~ Give a dog a bad name and hang him…
(Not fair… What about the cats, rats, snakes, birds and other creatures? What do you think?)
* * * * *
I experienced major technological-stress this past weekend. My son, a tech-savvy individual with NO patience, who lives out of town, always scolds me about the i-Pad, and my “technological retardation” as he calls it. He came to visit this past weekend, and tried to give me about 50 i-Pad lessons in a few hours. My poor brain was “fried”. Phew!
Part of the conversation went as follows:
Me: (proud as punch) I won an e-book from a bloggy friend.
Son: That’s great!
Me: (excited) Can you show me how to get to Amazon so I can download it?
Son: Do you have an Amazon account?
Me: (baffled) No. I don’t want anything on account, I just need to collect the book.
Son: You cannot just “go to Amazon and download the e-book”…
Me: But she sent me a link. I’m sure I need to click on the link and get the book.
Son: No. Mother. It. Doesn’t. Work. Like. That. You have to go to the Apps Store (uh-oh… that word again…) and download the application.
Me: (as blank as a white page caught in the middle of writer’s-block-syndrome…)
Son: Mum, stop being so averse to technology!
(P.S. Confession time. I cheated. I transferred the photo to the blog post on the i-Pad, saved it in draft, and then completed the post on my "reliable old donkey") *sighs*
Your pooch is handsome. Per Sir Poops and Hair Ball, they're fur-peeps. Dog is a very bad word to them.
And welcome to the technically retarded club…::)
Thanks Shelly. Sorry, I forgot about the offensive D-Word… 🙂 My apologies to HB & SPAL.
If you need iPad assistance, let me know. I can help without mocking tones or eyerolls!
Oh Alex, you are too kind. 🙂 In between your hectic schedule of writing, blogging, visiting blogs… where on earth will you find time for technical support? But I may just hold you to it… don't be surprised if you receive an e-mail… you have been warned. LOL.
Flash, you are a handsom dog indeed! Mish, don't get frustrated too much with the tech stuff. I'm so far behind that I don't even own an ipad or iphone or even an e-reader. I read all my e books on my desktop computer. ):
You're right Elise, I'll take it one day at a time. But i'll get there… eventually… one way or the other… thanks dear friend! (((HUGS)))
Flash is very handsome! He looks a lot like my dog and my brother's dog who are both that kind of blondish color with wolf-like faces.
I felt terrible reading your conversation with your son because I completely recognized my tone in your son when I talk to my mom about technology. I need to be more patient with my mom – thanks for the long-distanace thump on the head.
Flash is descended from the wolf-slash-German Shepherd lineage… sorry that I made you feel guilty BUT I'm glad that I could provide a long-distance "thump" on the head… 🙂
He's just excited he knows one thing that you don't. My son tries to pull that on me all the time.
I suppose you're right… but it's soooooo annoying! Anyway, I'll get there… I know I will… thanks for popping in, Ciara!
Love your pooch picture! I agree – dogs are undeserving of such bad rap. Good luck getting the technology sorted out!
Thanks Sherry. As I said before, I will master this technology thinggie… sooner or later it WILL all fall into place… it HAS to…
Yes, your puppy is so handsome AND he looks like a flash.
It sounds like your saying to Technology, "Come here," with one hand while pushing him away with the other. 🙂
That's so sweet of you, Teresa… 🙂 And you know what? You are SO right about the Technology thinggiemajiggie… I am doing exactly that – thanks for pointing it out to me! 🙂 I need to be way more positive about it…
Your dog is handsome. 🙂 Awesome you won the iPad.
Thanks Tonja. I won an e-book not an i-Pad… though wouldn't that be cool? To win an i-Pad? (even though I JUST got one…) I never win anything… 🙁
My son treats me like that and I'm tech saavy! I really hope you like Carol's book. I did.
Oh dear, you're in the same boat as me!? But at least you're tech-savvy, so that's a plus… and I'm REALLY looking forward to reading it, Clarissa. 🙂
Your dog is one handsome canine! And TG for kids who are technologically advance, right? You'll figure it out sooner or later (or keep using the reliable old donkey). 🙂
He sure is! I WILL figure it out as I go along, but that means I HAVE to stay away from the reliable old donkey or else how am I gonna learn? Anyway, the reliable old donkey is full of ailments… freezing on me/ switching off whenever he pleases/giving me a blank screen more and more… 🙂
And don't forget, 'Men are dogs.' Cute dog, by the way and very interesting pose.
Little by little, give yourself time to learn all the techie stuff.
How could I forget the main one?! About the pose – I called him and he jumped up and put his paws on the gate and I had to take the shot in that split second, before he jumped down.
Now I like you even more Michelle! My older son was my technical advisor for C.Lee's post. First I couldn't download the trailer, and then her photo disappeared in "Preview." My son had to straighten everything out from his out- of- state laptop.What would we do without them? P.S. Flash is handsome, and I'm impressed with your photography skills!
Thank you my dear! That is such a sweet thing to say. 🙂 With regard to my so-called photography skills (which are totally non-existent btw…), i discovered that it's QUITE easy to take a photo with the i-Pad… you see, I did learn something after all!! (Well, I DID remember some of the things my son showed me…)
He really is a beauty!
Thanks Stephanie. Welcome back – does your presence here mean that you've posted more of those delightful clay-people… *claps hands excitedly* I'm off to check it out——— WHOOSHES AWAY————-
Shiner and Wrangler send woofs and arfs to Flash 🙂
Thanks for the shout out! I'm not a techie person either, so I know what you're going through. Hope you get everything downloaded OK.
Flash returns the greetings! 🙂 I'm gonna get the book downloaded ASAP and then get into it… thanks once again, Carol. I'm really looking forward to reading the story.
Your post made me laugh Michelle. 'Technology is great' make this your new mantra and you will be fine. I have a daughter at Uni who is completing 2 majors in 3d animation and advertising, whe had no patience at all for basic understanding of all things tech, so I can certainly relate to your delima!
Oh Carolyn, the thought of repeating that mantra over and over is enough to get me hyperventilating… he!he!
But you’re right about technology, it has to be embraced… rejecting it won’t help because it’s here to stay!
Very handsome dog!
Oh I'm so like you when it comes to technology. If my husband wasn't a wiz at it, I don't know what I'd do!
Thanks Jen! You're sooooo fortunate to have a tech-savvy husband…. 🙂
He's definitely a handsome dog. 🙂
He sure is G.E. 🙂
lol… we all have to learn. The best thing about the iPad is that it's so user friendly–just takes a bit of getting to know. Congrats on your win! And Flash is a cutie pie! 🙂
Thanks PK. That's the one thing that everybody's been reassuring me of, that the i-Pad is user-friendly. So that is a plus for me. It eases the stress a little. 🙂
Great pic. I would love to hear his doggy internal dialogue. I'm always grabbing my son for tech help. I fear the iPad. I'd probably break it.
Thanks Leslie. Doggy dialogue? Mmmm… I'll have to work on that 🙂
I also fear the i-Pad. Actually, it traumatised me at first. Funny you mention this, because my son always scolds me and says, Mom you CAN'T break it, so stop holding it so cautiously!!
A triumph, I would have thought, in anyone's book. We all use the technology up to the point where usefulness/hassle ratio comes out on our side.
Thanks for the positivity Dave! Yes, in my books, definitely a triumphant moment… 🙂
He is a good-looking boy. Dogs don't deserve the bad sayings, but I wouldn't say rats and snakes have had it easy!
I guess you're right. Rats and snakes do have a raw deal… thanks Nick!
Cute dog. 🙂
I love that my iPad takes pictures, but I don't use that function too much.
I loved Carol's book.
Thanks Medeia! 🙂 And I can't wait to read Carol's book!
Congrats on your win.
Flash looks gorgeous.
Thanks Lynda! He has a lovely temperament to match… an all round winner! 🙂 (…and I know that sounds biased… LOL… but it's the truth)
you crack me up!
love your doggie =)
Hey Tara, one day I'll be able to look back on these "tech-retardational-moments" and wonder what on earth was all the fuss about! I'm glad that I could provide some laughter… 🙂
Flash is one handsome dog! I get the whole non-techie thing – may daughters know far more than I do.
Thanks Tyrean! At least I'm not alone in this techie thing… (not that it makes me feel any better…)
that's an awesome picture! i'm glad you're enjoying your new ipad 🙂