The Insecure Writer’s Support Group ~ No#32
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – aim for a dozen new people each time.
The awesome co-hosts for today's posting of the IWSG are Sarah Foster, Joylene Nowell Butler, Lily Eva, and Rhonda Albom! Don't forget to visit them and thank them for co-hosting!
Please take note that the IWSG Facebook schedule has changed slightly. The Fun Friday and Saturday News & Promo posts have been replaced by the Friday News & Promo post.
A reminder – our Twitter hashtag is #IWSG.
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Now onto the business of the day. Recently, there's been lots of talk around the blogosphere about the state of blogging, is it dying out etc. etc…. as well as how to find the balance between blogging/writing/social media/reading…
I've also been thinking about these issues and have settled on a new blogging schedule. The thing is I enjoy blogging, over and above all other forms of social media. Giving it up is not an option. Not for me, anyway. According to Jay Noel, whose blog just hit the 9-year mark, so he's really been around in this blogging game: "Blogging continues to evolve. It's seen as a powerful platform for businesses, and private blogging is seen as just another strand in the world wide web of social media." You should check out his post. He's gathered data from some of the largest blogging surveys and other sources too. So the point is that blogging is here to stay! You should also check out a post by Denise Covey which touches on the subject of how to make blogging more interesting…
So here's the plan. I'm going to post once a week… on a Monday. And I'm going for a 'mixed bag' styled post, which will include "whacky words" where bloggers can play along. For those who followed my A to Z theme last year, you'll know what I'm talking about. I'll also include any cover reveal/blog hop/guest post that I may have signed up for, in the weekly post. When necessary, there will also be an update on writing projects. I may throw in some Flash Fiction. Lastly, I'm thinking of including a photo at the end of the post. This will force me to get out and about, and 'brush up' on my photography skills, and we DO have some spectacular scenery this side of the world! Or maybe some information about South Africa – I'll call it AFRI-SCAPE, or something along those lines. So what do you think? Do any of those ideas appeal to you? Let me know in the comments.
I'm taking a little time away from blogging, just 2 weeks. But you can still catch me lurking on Facebook, and I'll probably visit some blogs in between, so I won't be completely off the radar. I'll be back on Monday August 25th to kick-off my new posting schedule.
Before I go, a reminder that the IWSG anniversary is coming up! IWSG will be 3 years old!
Guess what? There will be a special celebration and all IWSGers are invited!
We have a wonderful SURPRISE planned.
You'll find out more about this in September!
Now I'm off to visit some IWSG'ers! You should do the same.
I agree! I've simplified my blogging time, but I enjoy it. Feeling connected to other writers is important. Can't wait to see what the birthday celebration will be!
I've never been good at consistant blogging. I had an old blog that I loved and it had lots of followers and I dumped it because I wanted to have a writing blog. Now I wish I'd kept it and just added writing into it because it's hard to start over with blogging. Getting people interested enough to keep coming back to your blog is difficult, at least it is for me. My most interesting stories have to do with my job and I'm not comfortable having my real name attached to those stories where I'm making fun of foolish people that I have to be contact with. Writing is hard.
That sounds like a great plan! That's why I'm only posting on Mondays now. Except for today. Although I will probably go back to twice a week this fall, if only to shorten my posts and spread the content around a bit.
Do what fits into your schedule and what makes you happy. I'm especially looking foward to the pictures since I'm fascinated by faraway places.
Monday has been my sole post day for a long time now. I do need to start mixing it up though.
I just did the same thing. Gotta find a balance.
IWSG #184 until Alex culls the list again.
I recently moved myself back to one post per week (well, once scheduled post, on my non-story blog, per week) and it's really helped me be able to still blog, and have time for other projects I need to work on. I feel like it also has helped people be able to actually read and interact with my blog, yes, there isn't the constant stream of updates, but it allows people to take time and actually read the material I'm posting. In theory at least. 🙂
Yes, add photos. It gives the rest of us a chance to peek into your private world. Whacky is good!
I'm not consistent at blogging either. I have a hard time coming up with ideas for the blog.
I'm with you, I enjoy blogging much more than any other social media as well. It's the one I feel most comfortable in and more connected to. But I can't deny I've struggled with motivation ever since the A-Z ended. I think going to a once a week schedule is a great idea. And I think your plans for your posts sound like fun.
I enjoy blogging too. There's no better way to network. I cut down to once a week too. My blog goes through a rebirth at least once a year.
Congrats on decidig on a schedule for yourself. I keep thinking I need to do less social media and write more – but I'm already doing only 5 blog posts a month. To do less I'd have to quit. Or maybe go down to 3 posts a month… Hmm. This is your 32nd ISWG. When you hit 36, you'll have been doing them for 3 years! Wow!
I am getting ready to re-work my blog, separate the book stuff from the writing stuff from the fishing stuff. It will take a bit to get there with current WIP's needed serious attention. I, too, will continue to blog in some format for many years.
Sounds fun to me. I had to cut back almost a year ago, and I haven't regretted it since. Granted, the blog is always scheduled out 6 months, but that's a good thing right? Makes the planning easier.
I think your plan is a great one! You'll still be around but no pressure to worry about several posts for the week. I hope you enjoy your two week break. 😀
I love blogging, but it is time consuming if you interact rather than just throw posts out there. I blog once a week on Mondays (except IWSG Wednesdays), and it allows me to stay in touch but doesn't take up an overwhelming amount of time. I've been blogging for seven years with one year off. Boy did I miss blogging during that year hiatus!
Enjoy your two weeks off! I agree, blogging is my favorite form of social media as well and I hope it doesn't die out. I would love to keep on blogging. I think all your ideas sound wonderful. I have been asked over and over to share more info about South Africa, so that would work well for you. I think people would like it.
I think the new schedule sounds great! I think it's important to still connect with people and share without wearing ourselves out. And blogging adjustments should be made periodically, you know, to fit our lives and personal work loads. I always enjoy your posts. Looking forward to it. ^_^
I think every writer participating in social media eventually has to re-evaluate and ask, "Am I writer who blogs, or a blogger who writes?" It is tough. I so enjoy reading all of the blogs on my Reading List but that can take hours of my day every day. I do not have time for that. So, good for you on making the best choice for your writing.
The only media thing I love to do is blog. The rest of it is so much work and half the time I have no clue as to what I`m doing. I just hope it doesnt`show. 🙂
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
Great schedule and blogging ideas. Love the plan to take photos and share them from your corner of the world. I'm interested!!!
Sounds like a good, solid plan for blogging. I like the whole mixed-bag blog approach and would love to hear more about South Africa. I had a good friend from Capetown long ago who opened my eyes a ton about SA, but I'd love to hear more about what it is like these days. Have a great vacation!
Sounds like a good plan. And totally go out and take pictures! I'd love to see them.
Posting once a week is a good schedule and gives you plenty of time to actually get some writing done as well. Enjoy your mini break.
You know, I see my friend Jay Noel's name where ever I go with regard to blogging or writing. He's the one who dragged me into blogging in the first place. My greatest trouble with blogging consistently is coming up with things to say. At times, I often struggle with trying to find meaningful topics that people would like to read about. I think I will try some of your ideas though. That might help me into getting into the groove of the blogging practice. Doesn't it take a month of consistent implementation to change a behavior? Well, I'll start doing it now.
I've been clinging to my 3 times per week blogging and it does take time. I don't know how long I'll keep up that schedule.
I'm down to blogging once a week unless I'm taking part in someone's blog tour, cover reveal, etc. I enjoy blogging as well, and even more all of the writer's I get to meet. But it takes the most time and effort for me of all the social media. I'm pretty active on Twitter and I feel like I get more return on my time spent there in terms of interaction, visibility, etc.
The big thing, as you say, is to get into a rythm that works for you. I went through a stage with blogging where I was posting 3 times a week. I looked up at one point and I had put way more words into my blog than any of my writing projects. That's a problem for a writer. 🙂
The only constant is change, right? Having said that, I don't think blogging is going anywhere. Besides, I enjoy doing it, so I'm going to keep on keeping on! See you on Mondays 🙂
I was doing a two-a-week schedule last year on my blog and I felt like sometimes I put up posts that really didn't need to be there. I've never been a consistent, schedule blogger, so now I put posts when and if I desire to. It's much easier!
From a personal standpoint, I think blogging is something that will remain popular with those who like to write. For the purposes of interacting, sharing information–social media will probably take over. I already see that most people who blog are aspiring writers…or they just treat it like their own personal journal.
For businesses, blogging is HUGE. Content marketing is an important part of building a brand now, so posting a regularly-updated blog is essential to reaching customers. That's how I make my living.
I'll check out both links now. I love blogging and sure people come and go and people's blogging styles may change, but I think it's here to stay. Have a great break.
I agree, sounds like a solid plan- keeps you connected while giving you more time for, you know- LIFE. Enjoy your break!
Hi, Michelle!
I LOVE your ideas….. I enjoyed your A-Z theme this year. As for the Africscape… How gorgeous would that be to see. I am an huge admirer of exotic landscape photographer. A picture does speak volumnes…. Looking forward to seeing you imagery….
I agree about blogging! I may have cut down a bit, haven't we all? But it is here to stay and I will never give it up either….
Yay… looking forward to hearing from you!
I've been blogging once a week for about a year now. It's freed up a lot of time. I like your proposed post format.
Enjoy your break. See you on the 25th!
Blogging is definitely a process and it evolves, as does the blogger, Good grief, I've been blogging for seven years and I've had several blog addresses. You have to find the platform that works for you and not be afraid to evolve into what you're supposed to be – with blogging or any other art form 🙂 I like the idea of the photo at the end of each post! I love seeing the spectacuar places others live! Thanks for stopping by the other day! Sorry I've been sporadic in my reading/commenting. Summer here has been a bit crazy! *waving back* ~ Jen
I dropped to once a week awhile back too. It use to be on Mondays. I've been playing with post days to see if one day is better than another.
All of the ideas for your blog sound great! I also enjoyed your A to Z theme. Have a relaxing blogging break, and I look forward to seeing your "mixed bag" come to life on Mondays!
Blogging is my favorite too. I've been thinking a lot about my own schedule after reading those posts. Enjoy your blog break and have a great week!
I'm actually tempted to only post once a week as well. Then I can spend the rest of the week visiting other blogs, and really putting back into the blogging community that way. I'll still be sucked in to blog hops and other things sometimes, no doubt. But posting once a week means you're more likely to have something (or a few things) to say. 😛
stupendous! 3 years? holy cow! i wont give up blogging either, but i'm going to step back and try to put up more about life outside writing, too. i love your wacky words!
and i liked your informative historical poem for liz's blog hop! way to go!
I think once a week's a good plan. It's hard, but important. I'm going to try with the once a week thing too. We'll see though. :/
I find blogging to be a safe space on the internet, compared with Facebook and Twitter where hostile trolls can be intimidating. On my blog, I don't have to let a hostile comment through unless I want to.
It's good to find a blogging rhythm that works for you. I'm trying to blog 5 days a week at least to build up an audience for a new blog (I tend to give up on blogs after a few years and start over). But I also have moods in which I don't feel like blogging so I allow myself to do less.
I hope your once-a-week schedule works out well for you.
I'm sure blogging has been 'dying' ever since I started. But I think the community we've built up – with huge thanks to IWSG – has kept us all going. I think a once a week schedule sounds good – I've been averaging that, even though I don't post to a schedule. I tried, but prefer to be random.
Hi Michelle – sounds like a sensible move .. I'm an erratic blogger and keep on going six years in. But it is essential to offer creative posts – and Denise's follow-up post to Karen Gowen Jones' post certainly made many of us sit up and think …
I've added notes about creativity in my Making Colour posts .. and will do the same with the Commonwealth Games ones – when I get to the end of posting …
I agree with Annalisa's comment – we are a community and that suits many of us .. the A-Z Challenge is a great boon, while the IWSG has just taken off …
Enjoy the two weeks' off .. cheers Hilary
First, have a great break. Enjoy. Next, everyone's thinking along the same lines. I've been thrashing around since November trying to figure out what my next move in blogging will be. Still thrashing.
Enjoy your break! And I'd love read/see the Afri-scape!
I've never had a blogging schedule, but I definitely blog less than when I began – generally once a week or so. It's working so far 🙂
I'm still trying to get into the blogging groove–so far, Monday seems to be the day, but figuring it out is a process. Good luck with your new blogging schedule and congrats on the 3rd year anniversary of IWSG! That's awesome! Hope you enjoy your mini blogging break, too! 🙂
We are definitely in a similar place. I'm going to have a new blogging schedule in September (once the kids are back to school and I have some time) – probably once a week too. I think I'm going to write about the research I've been doing for my novel and try sticking with that for a while.
Just popping back in to say "hi" and I hope you're having an amazing time away. =)
I've definitely lost my blogging groove. Whenever life gets overwhelming, my blogs suffer the most.
Better late than never when it comes to comments, I suppose. I like everything I've ever read on your blog, though I don't always get the moment to comment. I loved your A to Z words and am looking forward to whatever you toss at us! Enjoy your little break.
I changed my blogging schedule due to the accident. But I am going to curtail it. Maybe once a week. I'm doing this without pills so I have to figure out a time when the pain isn't quite so bad. Hmmm….