Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
The first Wednesday of every month (I’m posting a day early), is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – aim for a dozen new people each time.
* * * * *
My insecurity this month? You’ll never believe it!
I’m busy with a fantasy story and need to transport the reader to this other world – so I need to add a little more description and atmosphere…
Reminder – I’m the last person you’d imagine would write fantasy.
I’m the one who imagined writing nothing but ‘regular flesh-and-blood-with-no-magical-powers’ types of creatures… contemporary all-human types of stories where characters are ‘grounded-in-reality-as-you-and-I-perceive-it.’ I always thought my brain isn’t wired to include any other types of characters. I called it ‘character-challenged’ LOL
I’m totally outside of my comfort zone! *hyperventilating*
World-building in a fantasy-based story is the most difficult thing. To me anyway…
It’s a short story that will be part of an anthology – between 1500 and 2500 words so I don’t need to go into too much detail…not sure if that’s a good or bad thing…
Wish me luck!
* * * * *
It’s here! The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond!
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don’ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.
ISBN 9781939844088
235 pages, FREE
Available –
Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Insecure-Writers-Support-Publishing-Beyond-ebook/dp/B00PM98I08/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1416424821&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=the+insecure+writer%27s+support+grouop
Barnes and Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-insecure-writers-support-group-guide-to-publishing-and-beyond-insecure-writers-support-group/1120795468?ean=2940046408027
Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/492628
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/review/new/23556637-the-insecure-writer-s-support-group-guide-to-publishing-and-beyond
IWSG sites –
Website – http://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/
Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWSG13/
Facebook Critique Circle Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWSGCC/
Hi Michelle .. good luck with finishing off your fantasy story – so brilliant to give it a go… Yes I’ve downloaded by IWSG Guide to publishing ..
Cheers Hilary
I’ve got some world building to do in Killer Stilettos. It’s fun but can drive you crazy.
Hugs and chocolate!
Good luck! I am intimidated by world building and so impressed with those who can do it. I’m sure your story will be fantastic!!
Best of luck to ya! Fun, exciting, and scary writing in a new genre!
You can do it! Remember, do your world-building in your notes and take snippets of it, along with the foundation, into your story. You don’t have room for a lot of description.
You are more than capable of writing a fantasy. You’re made of awesome, Michelle. I found that starting off with a few concepts for my new world has helped me. For example, I wanted a version of earth that was almost crime free and where the currency was different. The other stuff I came up with as I went along. Best of luck. I know you will make it into an awesome story. Congratulations with the release of the IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond. I know you guys worked very hard.
I feel that way with every sex scene I ever write. I just write several bad ones and then cobble them together until my betas agree I’ve done all right. So. just keep at it! Book looks great!
Oh good luck with your fantasy story, I have no doubt it will be awesome! I find it helps to base my fantasy world building on real things / places – I just take anything interesting / cool I come across and put it through my ‘fantasy blender’ 😉
It’s great that you’re doing something outside your comfort zone – if anything it might teach you something about your writing.
Good luck! *\o/*
I understand, Michelle. And I sympathize. I wrote a steampunk collaboration. I didn’t even know what steampunk was. Freaked me out. But I did it, and you’ll do it, and one day we’ll laugh at how worried we were. Good luck, though I doubt with all your talent that you’ll need it.
I personally love world building, but it can be sooooo much work.
Go you!! 🙂
Yay book!! ^_^
Okay, so I’m totally with you on the fantasy writing. I consider myself a contemporary (real world) fantasy and supernatural and paranormal writer. I knew it would be a stretch to write a high fantasy, but I had no idea there was such a huge difference!!
Best wishes for the short story! You rock for even trying it! And I’m sure you’ll knock it out of the park, too. 🙂
It’s awesome to go outside your comfort zone! You can learn so much from experimenting. Good luck with the fantasy writing! 🙂
World building in a fantasy story is hard work but it’s also very liberating. Think about it: no one has any preconceived notions as to how your world should be! Just relax and let the envisioning process flesh out every corner or this exciting new world. Enjoy the challenge. You can do it!!
Imagine what the imagination can do. You can do a good job writing fantasy books.
Hi, Michelle! Fantasy? Cool. I know you can do it. Wishing you the best of luck! If you can’t find luck when you need it the most, I’m sure it’s just hiding at the tip of your pencil or in between those keys on the keyboard. 🙂
I will definitely download the IWSG book. I’ll do it tomorrow because I forgot my USB at home. I’m at an Internet Cafe right now.
That’s so daring, to write outside your comfort zone. I love reading suspense and mystery but I am way to afraid of trying to write it.
aah good luck! I’m the same. I’ve always said I’d never write a fantasy or anything that wasn’t contemporary but my “idea folder” has been growing increasingly broad in terms of genre, so never say never! one day I might sit down and tackle fantasy or dystopian.
You can do it! Think of it this way, with fantasy, there are no boundaries. Horses can fly if you say so, and people will accept it. Best of luck with writing outside of your comfort zone!
Good for you for trying something new! Sometimes we have to get outside our comfort zones to find new depths of our talent. I’m sure you’ll do great!
Have fun with it, Michelle. There’s nothing like stretching ourselves to improve our writing.
And yes, I think I’m not all NaNoed out. I actually managed to write over a thousand words over the last couple of days each time. My story is flowing. Going in another direction. Trying my hand at a New Adult story.
That sounds like fun. I like that you went out of your comfort zone too. Well done!
Good luck with the fantasy world-building, but let me warn you. Once you get a taste of working up a fantasy world, you’ll never be able to give it up. It’s too addicting!
Good luck with writing outside of your comfort zone. It’s hard, but it’s the best way to push yourself to grow as a writer. You’ll do great.
Good luck with the fantasy world. The great thing is you just have to close your eyes and imagine whatever you want. Then recreate it in writing. It doesn’t have to resemble anything that anyone has ever seen on earth. I think it’s fun!
Here’s a link to my IWSG post. http://charitywrites.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-last-iwsg-of-2014.html
I’m doing the opposite as you – moving from the fantastic to reality w/ no mystical or alien stuff. It’s scary. We can encourage each other! Obviously we both feel ready to break out of our zones.
You can do it! 2,500 words is nothing! I often try to just actually imagine myself being in the world, and then write from that perspective. It helps my imagination *feel* the details.
Good luck 🙂
AJ @ Naturally Sweet
I’m so proud of you for trying something new and writing FANTASY! I am also a realistic writer, so I understand your uncomfortable feeling.
First of all, kudos to you for trying something so out of your comfort zone! It’s never easy to try different things but almost always the experience will turn out to be enriching. Best of luck with your story, I’m sure you’ll kill it. 🙂
Good luck with your fantasy story! Getting out of our comfort zone can be a challenge, but ultimately worth it if we learn something new.
I wish you luck and a quick beta read it you need it. I’m sure it will be more than awesome. Out of your comfort zone will bring it to life. 🙂
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
Best of luck with that fantasy writing! Breathe deeply and tell yourself you can do this, you want to do it and it is easy. Then go and write. Only by getting out of our comfy zone, we can find out what are we truly capable of. Dragon Hugs!
Wahoo!!!! So PROUD of you. Listen, this will be a blast. I too am writing fantasy. I’ve never done it before either. I write in the here ad now-contemporary. Can you believe we BOTH decided this? WACKY yet WILD!! xoxoxo
Writing fantasy and world-building in a make believe world is fantastical!! You certainly can do it and make it great! Just remember to think outside the box. Anything is possible in a fantasy!!!
Good luck! It’s funny, but I’m kind of the opposite. Contemporary fiction scares me. O_O Hope you have fun creating your world!
I have total respect and awe for anyone who attempts fantasy. World building seems very difficult!
Bring outside of your comfort zone is good, though! You’ll learn so much about yourself and your writing. And I bet you’ll create a kick a** fantasy book! 😉
Good luck with your world building!
keep going michelle! you got this! it’ll feel awkward at times or like you’re not sure, but just go with it. 🙂
I just wanted to thank you for all of the hard work you’ve put into the IWSG! The Guide looks fantastic, and you have so much to be proud of! Congrats on being a published author, Michelle! I know you’ll also do a wonderful job with your fantasy story! This has really been an exciting year for you!
You know, writing paranormal elements can be fun. It shakes up POV when your character(s) have some kind of superhuman power… such as heightened senses or immortality. I wrote about a character who could see in the dark (among other things). It was fun to craft those scenes.
If you can close your eyes and imagine the world as your characters experience it, you shouldn’t have any trouble. 😉
Oh, Mich! I’m soo proud of you! It takes so much guts to follow a personally unblazed trail! Here’s just a thought that popped into my head. I don’t write fantasy either in terms of the world but I do have contemporary characters go on flights of fancy in their head, which I imagine you do, too. Take those flights of fancy, and manifest them in the external environment. I don’t know if that’s helpful at all but it just came to mind. Godspeed!
I pushed myself to write fantasy a few years ago, and that novel is now published. I’ve also been writing horror, when I thought I’d forever be a YA contemporary author. World building is hard, but you can do it.
Looking forward to reading it!
I’m looking forward to reading this.
Best wishes with your fantasy story!!! You can do it!
Wow! I totally remember posting a comment here…but I have been having some bizarre technical difficulties! Yikes! Anywho, world building is a crazy, fun problem to have. It IS frightening to be handed all that power: the ability to create a world. But it’s also very liberating and exciting! Think about it, you get to create a world NO ONE has seen yet AND you get to guide us through it! Exciting times ahead of you!!!
Thank you SO MUCH for your comment on my IWSG blog post. I appreciate it and I’ll gladly take the hug 🙂
Thanks for all the comments and words of encouragement!
You guys ROCK! 🙂 🙂