The Insecure Writer’s Support Group ~ No#73
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – aim for a dozen new people each time.
The awesome co-hosts for the January posting of the IWSG are: Tyrean Martinson, Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor, Megan Morgan, Jennifer Lane, and Rachna Chhabria!
Don’t forget to visit them and thank them for co-hosting!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.
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The winners of the third annual IWSG Anthology Contest: Theme: TICK TOCK
The Tide Waits – Rebecca M. Douglas
Center Lane – Christine Clemetson
Until Release – Jemi Fraser
Reset – Tara Tyler
Cypress, Like the Tree – Yolanda Renée
Three O’Clock Execution – S.R. Betler
The Little Girl in the Bayou – J.R. Ferguson
Gussy Saint and the Case of the Missing Coed – C.D. Gallant-King
One More Minute – Mary Aalgaard
Special Mention:
Heartless – C. Lee McKenzie
And the top spot goes to:
A Stitch in Crime – Gwen Gardner
Congratulations to the winners and to all who entered!
Look for the anthology, Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime, late spring, 2018.
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Remember, the question is optional!
Join as you can.
Share and Encourage.
Spread the word.
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My 2018 Goodreads challenge has been posted. I’ve pledged 40 books compared to my 25 books from last year’s challenge.
Are you joining our weekly Instagram challenge? Getting ready for the Twitter Pitch? Have you joined the Goodreads challenge? Do you have a writing schedule for 2018?
Happy New Year to everyone!
I will definitely join the challenge starting next week. I’ll need to put a few things together this weekend for the monthly post. I’m not too good with instagram yet, but I will do my best. Happy IWSG day, Michelle.
Sounds like you have a lot going on! I’m not joining the Goodreads challenge but will continue to track and review what I’m reading there. I’m expanding on goals I got in place late in the year for my business, so there’s that.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Michelle! Reading 40 books on Goodreads is a lofty goal, on top of writing, and I wish you much success. I used to do the challenge but I found it too stressful, like a deadline, and I already have enough of those in my life.
Congratulations to the anthology submitters and winners!
We have a whole lot going on. Big congratulations to the anthology winners.
Thanks for all you do for the IWSG. I’m honored and thrilled to have my story published in the IWSG anthology this spring. I look forward to reading your reviews from all your 40 books this year!!!
That’s a lot of stuff going on. I don’t tweet or Instagram, maybe someday. I have enough trouble keeping up with the blog and FB.
Congrats to all the anthology winners. I look forward to reading the issue. Lots of good authors in there.
I’m just now finding out we have an Instagram! I’m excited! Happy New Year!
IWSG post: Taking Chances
So many exciting things going on with IWSG! All the best for the New Year to you, Michelle 🙂
Congrats to all the winners. Well done everyone. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
I’m excited about the Twitter pitch for multiple reasons.
Congrats on hitting 40 – books that is! 🙂
It’s so awesome to have placed in the IWSG Anthology! A wonderful way to start the New Year!
Happy 2018!
I’ve just started following the IWSG on Instagram. This year, I’ve decided to read the book list that is presented by the unconventional librarian.
Wishing you the very best for 2018.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G
I like your goodreads challenge goal. I had a great reading year last year after being severely disappointed with my 2016 totals. I fully support you in your endeavors. What is the first title you plan on reading this year? I just started a book called The Salt Line, by Holly Goddard Jones. So far, brilliant.
I’m doing the GR reading challenge again, too. My goal is 25 books, but I may try to push for 30.
I’m doing my Goodreads reading challenge as well—35, same as last year. It left me a generous amount of time to write as well as absorbing new books.
Can’t wait to see what the latest anthology looks like!
So far, I’ve just been increasing my reading goal by a few books a year. Having a goal to shoot for helps immensely. It’s a nice reminder that I love to read so I should relax and sit down and do it. 🙂
So much goodness going on! I don’t have an Instagram account but it sounds like fun 🙂
Good luck with that reading challenge! There are so many great books out there – and so little time to get to them all 🙂
I’m fence-sitting on the Goodreads challenge this year. Last year I posted my last review on Dec. 31 to meet my 40 book goal, so you can tell I was pushing. However, I might never have read those books if I hadn’t joined the challenge. I’m talking myself in or out of this as I type. 🙁
It’s going to be a big year for the IWSG! Never done the Goodreads challenge, but maybe one year.
Sadly, I do not currently have a finished and polished MS ready to pitch, but I plan to lurk on Twitter to read everyone else’s pitches. Happy writing to you, and happy 2018
Grats to the winners! Best of luck with your goals and challenges. 🙂
Good luck on your 2018 Goodreads Challenge. Have yet to take the challenge but have a lot planned this year.
Congrats to all the anthology winners!
Cool about the upcoming Twitter pitch party. A good thing to sponsor. I’d like to make time for Instagram, but so far, it hasn’t happened. Bad me 🙂
I have my yearly goals in place, and the ones for January, but I don’t yet have an implementation schedule beyond this month. That schedule is one of my January goals.
I think I barely reached my Goodreads challenge last year. I plan to do better this year. Good luck!
Wow, so much going on already. My head is spinning! 🙂 My writing goal is to finish and, hopefully, publish my first memoir. I aim to start the second draft whenever my life returns to “normal” again in a few weeks. Happy New Year, Michelle!!
Congrats to all the winners, I don’t have any goals set yet (or plans). I’m letting them stew for awhile. 🙂
Good luck with your Goodreads challenge! I’ve set mine for 24 books. I missed last year’s goal by three books. *sighs* But this year will be better.
Happy New Year!
Good luck with the reading challenge. I haven’t ever set one. Maybe if I get more regular in my reading. Excited to see the anthology winners since I know some of them. Happy New Year!
Congrats to all the winners! It’s going to be a terrific anthology. And good luck with your reading challenge. 🙂 Have a great 2018!
Congrats to the Anthology winners! I know that book will have lots of great reads. I was thinking of doing a Goodreads challenge and you’ve inspired me. 🙂
Happy New Year!
Congrats to all the anthology authors. Can’t wait to read it. I’m excited about the pitch contest.
I did the Goodreads challenge last year and actually challenged myself for the first time. I plan to up the challenge again this year.
LOL. I still haven’t even THOUGHT about my Goodreads reading goals for the year. Go me! Of course, technically I’ve only been home for 5 days this year, and one of them was spent celebrating Christmas. One day at a time, eh? Here’s to an epic 2018!
Good luck on your Goodreads challenge! I hope I can get to 25, let alone 40!