The Insecure Writer’s Support Group ~ No#74
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – aim for a dozen new people each time.
The awesome co-hosts for the February posting of the IWSG are: Stephen Tremp, Pat Garcia, Angela Wooldridge, Victoria Marie Lees, and Madeline Mora-Summonte!
Don’t forget to visit them and thank them for co-hosting!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.
Remember, the question is optional!
The suspense/thriller genre is my favourite. One of the things I love is twists and turns popping up when you least expect them to!
The second #IWSGPIT was a huge success. #IWSGPIT became a trending topic throughout the day and we more than doubled the participation of the first one. 5100 tweets!
January has been highly productive!
I pledged 200 new words a day for January. I wrote every day in January and surpassed my goal of writing 6,000 new words, with a total of 7310 words! I completed January’s 31 days (almost one-third) of the #100 days100 word challenge, which I signed up for via my local online facebook group! How it works? On a word count sheet (spreadsheet), you fill in your name and colour in a block for every day in a row that you manage 100 words or more. If you skip a day, make all your blocks white again and start from number 1.
If you make it to 100, you get added to the Hall Of Fame!? ?
I’ve learned that ACCOUNTABILITY is a major motivator which kept me writing every day, even when I was dog-tired.
It’s now February, and I’m still going. To date, I’ve managed to write for 38 days in a row! There have been those days when I really struggled, but for the most part, the writing has been moving along nicely… and there are those days on which it actually flowed.
For the challenge, I’ve been working with one-word prompts, a variety of short phrases as writing prompts…and a loose outline. I’ve known this for a while, and once again, it’s been confirmed that writing prompts work for me!
I’ve also confirmed that writing in bursts of 200 words or thereabouts at a time, works well for me. This is because of my inclination towards flash fiction.
So I’m very excited to continue in this way for as long as possible. I need to make it to 100 days (at least)… 38 days done and 62 more to go! I know I can do it!!
Have you written for 30 plus days or more… non-stop? Do one-word writing prompts or picture prompts work for you? Have you succeeded with your January writing goals?
Happy IWSG Day! I’ll be visiting blogs during the course of the week and over the week-end. Then back to my writing balloon!
Here from Alex’s blog. Congrats on meeting your writing goal. I write everyday, but some are more productive than others. It’s taken me six months to complete 38K words. Then again, I have to stop a lot to research ancient Carthage, etc. Regardless of how much I read before starting my novel, there’s always something else to look up, LOL. Still, I like your idea of setting a daily word count. I hope you don’t mind but I”m going to copy it. Thanks for sharing your process with the rest of us literary wannabes, LOL. Happy writing.
Congratulations! That was a lot of work, and you sound very happy about it. I love doing writing challenges that keep me on track. I haven’t written EVERY day of a month except maybe the two times I did NaNoWriMo, but I try to write as often as I can every week.
I’m so glad you found the right motivation to keep writing! We’re all different, and finding what works sometimes takes a long time. I’m cheering you on from Texas!
That’s wonderful that you set a writing goal and surpassed it. Congrats!
You’re starting 2018 off with some excellent writing accomplishments. Congratulations and I hope you keep up the great work all year. #amwriting is a perfect hashtag for you.
I can’t say a surpassed my goals but I’ve done much better than last year. I’m distracted right now because my latest effort is with beta readers. When I can focus, I do a decent word count. Too bad that’s not every day. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
Woot for finding a challenge that works for you. I would, unfortunately, do miserably at that challenge. I grapple to find more than one day a week I can sit down and write, and if I’m at home, then there’s no chance of it because of mommy-guilt. But I’m glad it’s keeping you motivated! Good job on your progress so far!
Prompts are so fun! They let you turn off the editor a bit and just go with the flow. Congrats on your progress so far!
Hello well I recently joined a 30 challenge to posy YouTube videos. I made it to day 21 so I’m very happy for that. Challenges are good even if you do not finish them. People will come out a much better person in that particular area of the challenge.
February 2018 IWSG Co-host
Twist and turns are the best. 🙂
Congratulations on that productive January!! I’m not sure I’ve ever written for 30 consecutive days. There’s always a lazy day or five in there somewhere. Success is it’s own motivator sometimes. You totally got this streak! 😀
Your productivity is awesome! Keep on going. 🙂 I usually don’t get a chance to write on weekends, but I write every weekday. I love the twists and turns of mystery too.
I am so glad you said that. “Accountability is the major motivator that keeps me writing every day.” That is one of the factors that keeps me going every day. I know there are certain things that I must do to feel good about myself and not get overwhelmed.
Thank you so much for mentioning this.
Wishing you all the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Congrats! You’re doing awesome with your goals! I wrote every day for two years, ten months, and twenty-four days, but I’ve since taken a break and have been writing sporadically this year.
*Correction: 2 years, 3 months, and 24 days.
That’s awesome you’ve written that many days in a row. I think fifty days is my record to complete one of my books.
Sorry I’m late but this didn’t show up in Feedly until today.
Great work, keeping your writing goals. I used to write what I called daily paragraphs, free flowing sentences about anything and everything, unedited, un-revised. It was the best exercise for writing for me. I went 60 days in a row once, but then weekends got in the way, and it became a mon-fri thing.
Way to kick butt on your writing goals! I love the suspense/thriller genre.
The 100days100word challenge sounds too harsh for me – deleting your little coloured blocks? Nooooo, I couldn’t! Having said that, accountability is definitely a good thing. Well done on your amazing word count this year so far 🙂
I find that you train your brain the same way you train your muscles. Prompts are like warm ups, and then the muscles are ready to go. I once set a goal to journal 1000 days consecutive. It took 4 years to accomplish, but the habit was firmly established by then. When I’m drafting, I do write every day–for months on end. It’s wonderful. Unfortunately, I have a number of off times around my littles, but as long as I always get back to it eventually, I’m okay with that.
Congratulations on all those consecutive days writing! That’s fantastic! I’ve not written every day for any length of time but that’s one of my goals for this year. I’ve just got to start. I’ve kept my blog up, though, and I’m proud of that small achievement 😀
I love writing prompts! Thank you for mentioning that those have helped you with your writing. I need to just sit down daily, pull out a prompt and a timer and go at it! I just started a new story so it could work with that focus in mind.
Best of luck with your continued daily writing! Here’s to a YEAR of daily writing! Wouldn’t that be something?
Cheers and take care,
That’s wonderful! You are destined for that hall of fame. I wrote for 6 months straight once – it was over 200,000 words.
Hi Michelle – that is brilliant – no wonder you’re so pleased to have achieved these aims … and they’re obviously spurring you on. Perhaps flash fiction is something I should delve into – keep going and good luck. So glad the twitter pitch was such a success – cheers Hilary
So glad this challenge is working for you! That kind of achievement must surely just spur you on.
I’ve not paid much attention to the twitter pitches, but a lot of people have mentioned them, so I’ll check it out for next time.
All the best, Angela 🙂
You are doing amazing! I am totally inspired. 🙂
Yay for you and finding something that keeps you focused and accountable. Sounds like February is shaping up to be a great writing month for you.
That’s awesome. I almost wrote at least 100 words every day in January, but travel at the end meant there were 5 days I didn’t get to write. Still, for me, that’s not bad.
YESH!! Congrats on pursuing and accomplishing your goals!! I could learn a lesson from you. Keep it up!!!
Congrats on keeping to your goals and being so productive, I need to try something like this to help me complete my WIP.
Congrats on sticking to it and so many days in a row. Twists are great when they pop up indeed. I’ve written 210,000 in a month once, let’s just say my arm was flubber after that haha
You can definitely do it!!!
I love when I get in the groove like that – I’ve completed several NaNo projects so I know I can do the 30 days for sure. If I’m drafting I’m sure I could write every single day forever – it’s the revising that has me finding ways to procrastinate! 🙂
I agree with everyone here, Michelle. You can do this! Anything worth having is worth working your toenails off for. Breathe. Plan. And keep writing.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I’ve only recently started to read suspense novels. I’m liking it.
Your challenge sounds pretty cool. Congrats on surpassing your goal.
I’ve done 30-day blogging challenges before and even blogged about one of my books for 40 days, but I’ve never done creative writing or story writing for 30 days in a row. I may try that. For me, I find that prompts work about 70% of the time. I like writing prompts but sometimes I’m intimidated about not fully meeting them (I know, I have issues).
Impressive word count. Congrats. I like reading suspense and thriller too, although I write speculative fiction. I enjoy those too, really I read a bit of everything even horror on occasion but not often. I prefer ghost stories to horror stories with satisfying ending not necessarily HEA. Thanks for stopping by my blog and a very inspiring post.
I’m with you–on thrillers. I like the fact that the thriller genre almost always has a happy ending (me and my rose-colored glasses!).
Congrats on the writing roll you’re on! Keep it up. It definitely works, becomes a habit.
I have done Nano and succeeded a few times, so know that incredible high when you reach your goal. Wonderful feeling. I used to hate writing prompts, but now loooove them. Such a great boost when the writing spirit is low. Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog.
Forgot to say, Congratulations on your challenge! You are rocking it!!!
The twists and turns are what I love for suspense, too. The more the better! Congrats on your word count! The #100Days100 words challenge sounds like a great motivator.
I love twists and turns, too. And what a great idea the 100-in-a-row is!
Congratulations on achieving your goals this year. You’re doing great. I’m doing fair. Missed a couple of days but plan to get back in the groove this week. Not knowing what happens in a story makes me keep turning pages, for sure. Have a lovely week.
The only times I’ve written for 30 or more days straight is when I’m doing the NaNoWriMo challenge. Congrats on your success.
I love the idea of the 100 day challenge! You are very impressive!
How awesome that you’re on a writing roll.
I should get happy face stickers and put on on my calendar for every day I hit my word count. They used to motivate me when I was in elementary school.
That is quite an accomplishment writing so many days without a break. Congratulations. I don’t think I ever wrote 30 days in a row without a single day off.
I’m with you on the twists and turns of thrillers. It’s not about personal angst or emotion. It’s the cleverness of setting a plan and completing it. Love that.
Way to go, Michelle! Congratulations on hitting 38 days in a row. I like your strategies for accountability, and 200 words a day seems doable. My blog is what keeps me going, and I am pleased with what I have accomplished through blogging. All the best knocking off the next 62 days of writing!
Congratulations on reaching your goals!
Accountability when it comes to writing has been a good motivator for me lately. This is actually the first day I’ve taken off in several weeks. 🙂
I LOVE you’re writing pledge. It’s so inspiring. Keep it up!