K is for Kashi-hon
Kickstart your K-Day at your keyboard with a keen and knowledgeable, killer, knockout, kick-ass attitude. Kapow! Keep at it!
Ever wondered what books would say if they had the chance to express themselves/air their views?
Well, you are about to find out!
All illustrations are by the talented Mary-An. Check out her website HERE
But wait! What is a kashi-hon? Kashi-hon was introduced in Japan in the Edo period because books were too expensive for common people to buy, and therefore people would prefer borrowing over buying. Some "librarians" would travel around in order to increase their clientele and make more money. Go to WIKIPEDIA for more info…
And now you get to play along! What do YOU think the kashi-hon wants to tell us? Post it in the comment section below. Have fun!
At the end of the challenge, between 02nd and 05th of May, I'm going to announce my favourite "book comment" which will be the one that resonates with me the most!
A REMINDER: the IWSG site will have a corresponding post for each letter/day of the A to Z Challenge so do stop by.
On the Facebook page, a thread will be started for the "letter of the day" and we'd LOVE you to share your A to Z post links on the daily thread – this saves YOU time scrolling through links on the master A to Z sign-up list, especially since people post at different times… some MAY skip letters… dead links etc.
One last thing – don't forget to visit those who stop by your blog!
Hey, check me out!!
The origninal book mobile!
Have book, will travel?
Learning so much! ^_^
Kashi-hon – $1 per page if you come to library or $5 per half hour if library come to you.
"You rent first 6 Harry Potter books, you get 7th free!"
<a href="http://writerlysam.com/architects-of-illusion-echoes-of-olympus-1_a-to-z-2014">WriterlySam
Echoes of Olympus
A to Z #TeamDamyanti</a>
"Penny for my thoughts…"
You tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on, and so on….
LuAnn Braley
<a href="http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/co-host-helpersassistants-2014.html">AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge</a>
<a href="http://backporchervations.blogspot.com">Back Porchervations</a>
Please, save me from boredom, and check me out.
Great post!
Read, rejoice, return!
"Let me take you away from all that!"
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
"Use me, I'm cheap!"
Learnt something new! But love the book mobile idea!
I'd never heard of this before – I love all the new stuff I'm learning through A to Z. Maybe it would say, "Hurry up and read me, so I can get more money from the next readers."
The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read…
(Yeah.. I just googled a quote cuz I couldn't think of anything creative on my own…) 😉
Read and learn, budster! Such is the preciousness between these pages!
Don't get too attached.
Here today, gone tomorrow…(to the next reader).
Come into my world…but not for too long.
If someone brings me in to one more bathroom…
Hmm, I'm stumped with this one. *thinks*
Kashi-hon: For your family's honor it is imperative that your read me.
Hi Michelle .. are you legal? Kashi-hon .. what a great idea .. a travelling library .. but rent by the hour .. what to rent – with a pink cover .. the mind boggles … cheers Hilary
Libararies- one of the greatest advancements any society has ever known. And having one travel through seems even more convienent.