L is for Libretto
Listen A to Z labourers, leave out the lazy and lame attitude. Laugh out loud. Liaise with others lest you become lethargic and lackadaisacal… lose pace… lag behind by lengths… you are liable to be labelled loser…
Ever wondered what books would say if they had the chance to express themselves/air their views?
Well, you are about to find out!
All illustrations are by the talented Mary-An. Check out her website HERE
But wait! What is a libretto? A libretto is the text used in, or intended for, an extended musical work such as an opera, operetta, masque, oratorio, cantata or musical. The term libretto is also sometimes used to refer to the text of major liturgical works, such as the Mass, requiem and sacred cantata, or the story line of a ballet. Go to WIKIPEDIA for more info…
And now you get to play along! What do YOU think the libretto wants to tell us? Post it in the comment section below. Have fun!
At the end of the challenge, between 02nd and 05th of May, I'm going to announce my favourite "book comment" which will be the one that resonates with me the most!
A REMINDER: the IWSG site will have a corresponding post for each letter/day of the A to Z Challenge so do stop by.
On the Facebook page, a thread will be started for the "letter of the day" and we'd LOVE you to share your A to Z post links on the daily thread – this saves YOU time scrolling through links on the master A to Z sign-up list, especially since people post at different times… some MAY skip letters… dead links etc.
One last thing – don't forget to visit those who stop by your blog!
After three … 🙂
That facebook list is indeed helpful! Thanks Michelle, for all that you do with the IWSG and especially for visiting all the stories I've written so far– your comments mean a lot to me.
Since most operas are in Italian, and I don't know Italian, I have no idea what the book is saying…
I am lagging behind but on a mission to catch up today!
I went to mass yesterday, like I do most Sundays and I needed to use the mass book because SO much is added for Palm Sunday. I think that book was excited to be held for so long.:)
"Just being politically correct!"
The book isn't saying anything. It's singing! 🙂
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
"… you are liable to be labelled loser…" LOL
* * *
Libretto: "Canta tenore, canta!"
No matter how many words you have in you, keep them politically correct! You make more friends that way.
Ooh, awesome!
Libretto: *insert glass breaking vocal range here*
I'd paraphrase a line from a Bob Marley song for this one. I've got so many things to say right now, so many things to say 🙂
[You're just going to have to trust that I'm singing here]
"Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit…"
My apologies to those who truly love opera, but I will always hear Elmer Fudd's voice.
I'm sure she sings better than me.
*In a beautiful soprano*
I siiiiiing all my woooooords, I cannoooooot speeeeaaaak normallyyyyyy. Siiiiiing with meeeee. Siiiiiiiiing —
Bloody hell Michelle *said in a masculine cockney voice* can you start singing already?
Hi Michelle .. you wouldn't want to hear my dulcet tones .. so I wouldn't make the book .. or the libretto in fact … Cheers Hilary
I know what it tells me. "Hey, if you listen to the cast recording of that new through-composed musical while reading me, you'll be able to understand and appreciate what's going on when you attend that $150 per ticket live performance."
Another new word for me- but my musical education is extremely limited so that's probably why.