MANDELA’S WAY ~ Lesson No. 5
This is the fifth post in this series of 15 lessons taken from the book MANDELA'S WAY written by Richard Stengel .
EXTRACT : " We strive to judge people by the content of their character , but Nelson Mandela understood that sometimes the best way to help others see your character is by how you appear . All his life , Mandela was concerned with how things looked – from the colour of his shirt to the way a policy appeared to his supporters to how straight he stood . He would never tell anyone not to judge a book by its cover , because he knows we all do . Although he is a man of substance , he would say that it makes no sense not to judge by appearances . Appearances matter , and we have only one chance to make a first impression .
Mandela loves clothes . He always has . He would not say that clothes make the man , but they do make an instant impression . His view is that if you want to play the part , you have to wear the right costume . Just as pretending to be brave can become real courage (lesson 1) , we may find that outfitting ourselves as the person we want to be brings us closer to becoming that person . Throughout his life , Mandela always looked – and played – the part .
Long before the existence of blogs and social networking sites , Mandela understood that images endure and that their power to help or hurt you was indelible . All his life , he cultivated and curated images of himself . He helped orchestrate those he wanted to symbolize him and avoided those that would create an impression he did not want ."
This particular lesson made me wonder about blogs , and blog appearance as opposed to blog content . How important is blog image ? In the writing blogosphere , is the first impression of a blog an important factor in determining whether a fellow writer is more likely to peruse its contents ? What about aspects such as design/layout/visibility of awards & badges/slogan/logo … how important are these ? Or do most writers go to the heart of the blog … the writing content ? Are there any noticeable trends in this regard ? What is your opinion ?
I like things to be simple. If a blog is too busy or has too many things to download, I leave.
I have a slooow computer and if I have to download , it takes forever … so it’s difficult , for me , if a blog has lots of downloadable thingiemajiggies … my computer needs a change of software ? Or is it hardware ? I dunno … 🙂
Mish, I love your welcome. It's spot on as our British friends would say.
I'm on the "run" today … will be back to read more ….
Cool … enjoy the rest of your day on the “run” … catch you later …
To me it matters first the content, but of course I pay attention and on the decoration. But whatever the desing, folowing or not my taste, from the colors and the images you can always learn a bit moer about the owner!
I suppose that the “whole package” is important ! And the images/colours/graphics do give an idea of what the blogger is all about . Thanks for sharing Blaga .