FOURTH CAMPAIGN: Challenge no. #2
This is the second challenge for the campaign. Go here for more information. I must admit that I battled with this one, but I was determined to complete it. I've used the 4 pictures in my 200-word story which is written in a mixture of sci-fi… and something else? Totally out of my comfort zone!…
Read MoreFOURTH CAMPAIGN: Challenge no. #1
This is the first challenge for the campaign. Here are the instructions from Rachael's post. Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem. Begin the story with the words, “Shadows crept across the wall”. These five words will be included…
Read MoreIT’S TAG TIME – 11 Random Questions…
I’ve been tagged by Stacey to answer her questions as part of a fun, getting-to-know-you, ice-breaker exercise for the Fourth Platform-Building Campaign. So here goes… 1. COFFEE OR TEA? A story on its own… this is the shortened version… for the first half of my life, it was ‘normal’ tea until my palate started to…
I've signed up for Rachael Harrie's Fourth Platform-Building Campaign. For more information check it out HERE I've signed up as participant no. 22 on list number 22 – short stories… wonder if that means anything? I participated in the Third Platform-Building Campaign last year and had a blast! This one is called a mini-campaign,…
Here is the third challenge for the Writers' Platform Building Campaign which is hosted by Rachael Harrie. Write a blog post in 300 words or less, excluding the title. The post can be in any format, whether flash fiction, non-fiction, humorous blog musings, poem, etc. The blog post should show: that it’s morning, that…
Here is the second challenge for the Writers' Platform Building Campaign hosted by Rachael Harrie . Write a blogpost in 200 words or less , excluding the title . It can be in any format . The blogpost should : ~ include the word "imago" in the title ~ include the following 4 random words…
Read MoreI’ve Been Tagged !
First of all , this post is overdue – I should have written it a week ago . My apologies . I've been tagged by Fellow Campaigner , Daina Rustin over at her blog Mystic Treehouse . This means that I have to share 10 random facts about myself . ~ I read…
Here is the first challenge for the Writers' Platform Building Campaign hosted by Rachael Harrie . Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less , excluding the title . It can be in any format , including a poem . Begin the story with the words , "The door swung open ".…
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