Posts Tagged ‘REFLECTIONS’

Words… Words… Words: My Writing Process Bloghop

Last week, Vidya Sury tagged me in her post On Writing For me, the entire writing experience begins with words! I LOVE words ! Words have feel… sound… nuance… texture… I love the many facets of words ~ the push and pull… the ebb and flow… the literal and figurative… the foreign and familiar… clarity…

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…20 Moments In Time…

So I've just caught up with the 20 participants who posted for the UBUNTU Blog hop. The posts were magical, entertaining and empowering… an outpouring of love…  just overflowing with Ubuntu… This is a special thank you to the hundreds of bloggers who reached out across cyberspace… from all corners of the globe… to share…

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On The Threshold…

The new year is upon us… 2012 has come and gone in a flash…                                                Some final words as we stand on the threshold of another year? I'll keep it simple. ~~ laugh more, you'll visit the doctor less… I promise… ~~ life is short, as cliched as it may be… ~~ the Mayans got…

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Silence is golden…?

Silence is golden… there are versions of this phrase that date back to as far as Ancient Egypt… and I just discovered that the fuller version reads as follows – speech is silver; silence is golden – though I think I knew that… somewhere at the back of my mind.. But what does it mean?…

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The Insecure Writer’s Support Group ~ No#5

This instalment of IWSG comes "hot on the heels" of the A to Z challenge, and my writerly brain is still "reeling" from the rollercoaster ride! My assortment of whacky, weird and wonderful characters, from the 26 flash fiction pieces are "coming at me" from all angles. The problem is this – day after day,…

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Human Rights Day…

Today, the 21st March, is Human Rights Day in South Africa. These are some thought-provoking quotes that I want to share with the readers… "We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colours… but they all have to learn…

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The Insecure Writer’s Support Group ~ No#4

For this instalment of my IWSG hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh, I am sharing a 3-pointer pledge. I WILL STOP AGONISING OVER THE FOLLOWING: 1. What Mr. A & Mrs. B are going to think if I fail to reach goal X and goal Y by a certain date. 2. Explaining my writing to people…

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