Posts Tagged ‘thoughts to ponder’

50 States Of Pray

Today is the 50 States of Pray event, hosted by Mark Koopmans. All that’s required is to take a moment and about 100 words. Then, on Dec. 24, 2013, please share a prayer, a thought, a memory, a hope and even a regret about the past and/or a wish for the future.

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Something to ponder…

First things first… I missed the "Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest". What a bummer… 🙁 Life just got in the way and I've been super-hectic ever since… so there you have it… At this time of the year, I think the wise thing would be to schedule posts, especially bloghops/blogfests and other posts that…

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Odds and Ends…

Last night, I decided to go to my Facebook page, which is basically non-functional, and see if I could navigate the networking system and connect with a few "writerly" buddies. I did manage to connect with approximately 30 or so people.If I haven't discovered you yet, well… give me a little more time. It's a…

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Observations In A Waiting Room

One of the things I love to do, is to study human behaviour in different situations/environmental contexts. A doctor's waiting room is one of the ideal spots to do so… Why does there always seem to be a certain awkward atmosphere in the doctor's waiting room? Have you noticed that? Or is it only me?…

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Finally… It Has Arrived…

After months of hearing about it… thinking about it… admiring its sleek and compact structure… wondering what I'd do when actually faced with it… then going through the process of acquiring it… the moment is here! What am I going on about? Wait for it……… The arrival of…              …

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Silence is golden…?

Silence is golden… there are versions of this phrase that date back to as far as Ancient Egypt… and I just discovered that the fuller version reads as follows – speech is silver; silence is golden – though I think I knew that… somewhere at the back of my mind.. But what does it mean?…

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First Loves Blogfest

Today is the First Loves Blogfest! Your first movie, first music (song/band,) first book, and first person. Four loves, one blogfest!                                                       FIRST BOOK It’s a toss up between the book that left a long-lasting impression on me as a teenager and the book that really ignited my love of…

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