W is for Weighted + Writing In A Nutshell
Welcome to the annual A to Z Challenge.
My theme: showcasing bloggers books, novellas, short story collections, poetry collections and some non-fiction books. The letters of the alphabet will correspond with the book title. I’ll be posting a link to my review of each book. I also have two questions for the author, just to spice things up a little.
Hopefully, visitors to my blog will be able to increase their reading lists and also get ideas for their wish lists.
Weighted (The Neumarian Chronicles) by Ciara Knight. Read my review HERE. The book is FREE on Amazon.
Genre/Category: YA Dystopian.
The book character you want to have coffee with is: Ryder (which I already did).
What would you name the autobiography of your life? Cra Cra Town.
Writing In A Nutshell by Jessica Bell. Read my review HERE.
Genre/Category: Writing craft.
The book character you want to have coffee with is: Lila from Marilynne Robinson’s LILA.
What would you name the autobiography of your life? Dear Reflection.
One lucky winner will receive an e-book of Writing In A Nutshell. Please leave an e-mail address after your comment by Thursday 28th April, if you wish to be entered in the giveaway. Winners will be announced on Friday 29th April.
Have you written/read any steampunk books? What’s your favorite cross-genre story? If you are a writer, whatโs your favorite book on writing craft?
I just downloaded a copy of “Weighted” – it sounds like a good read. I sure could use all those tips/tricks to help me finish my first book – would love to win a copy ๐
Cheers – Ellen | http://thecynicalsailor.blogspot.com/2016/04/w-is-for-watch-nancy-drew-investigates.html
thecynicalsailor (at) gmail (dot) com
I haven’t read any steampunk, but I’m interested. One of the best writing books is On Writing by Stephen King. mary.aalgaard at yahoo.com.
I have both of those books!
I haven’t heard of steampunk so I’m thinking I haven’t read any ๐ Sadly too I’m not sure what cross genre would be. Striking out today here, but yes I did receive Nick’s book; about 2 weeks ago, right after I won it ๐
Oh, my favorite writing book is Stephen King’s ON WRITING A MEMOIR OF THE CRAFT and also Ray Bradbury’s ZEN AND THE ART OF WRITING.
Weighted’s cover is beautiful. I’ll have to check it out and grab it.
~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
I have now increased my TBR on Goodreads again. Writing in a Nutshell is a book about the craft that I would like to read.
Also, I sent J.L. an email today letting her know the format I would like to have for my book.
Thank you for inquiring. It is really appreciated.
Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.
Patricia @ EverythingMustChange
I’ve read some steampunk books, but I haven’t written one yet. I have a few of Jessica’s writing books.
I’ve only heard about steampunk but can’t say I know much about it. This has prompted me to look into it further. Maybe I don’t read as widely as I should. So little time!
Writing Womenโs Fiction
Suddenly, I’ve an almond craving. Or maybe it’s walnuts.
A great review, Michelle. So pleased I’ve been popping by to read the reviews. Not only to get some new reading material but also to know how to write a great review. I’ve learned a lot. Thank you. My May challenge is to write write reviews for all the books I’ve read over the past six months. The authors deserve my time. Some great writing out there.
ps: I’ve left a message on your contact form ๐
My favourite book about writing is by a well known Bengali author/novelist. I haven’t read any steampunk, though I am familiar with the term.
(Also just wanted to mention here that Echoes reached! Sorry that my email missed you, dunno why! ๐ Thanks once again to both you and Dean. Very thrilled to have it and looking forward to reading it after the A-Z)
I don’t think I’ve read any steampunk, but am looking forward to reading Weighted. I just picked up a copy for myself.
This has been a great A to Z series.
#AtoZChallenge W is for Wilson Phillips
1. Yes. Love the genre. I love that cover.
2. I love paranormal romance. Just finished Haunting at Bourbon Street, fun read. Can’t choose favorite paranormal romance and can’t get enough!
3. I think my favorite book on writing so far has to be the one Stephen King wrote which I can’t remember what it’s called but it was fun and helpful.
Happy remainder of April!
Favorite craft writing books: Bird by Bird (Lamott), On Writing (King), Save the Cat (Snyder)
Hi Michelle, I have not read any steampunk book, though I have heard a lot about it. Jessica’s writing book sounds good. I would love to win a copy of it.
Btw..regarding your question on my blog, I haven’t yet received a copy of Effigy.
Interesting theme that ties reviews and indie books for your blog readers. I enjoyed finding out about WEIGHTED and reading an excerpt, though that queen promises bloody reading!
Hi Michelle – yes I want to read Ciara Knight’s book … as too Jessica’s – her tips on writing and utilising our skills are well thought out …
Cheers Hilary
I’ve read some steampunk and enjoyed them. My favorite writing books have varied depending on where I am in my career.
Susan Says
I’m having a love affair right now with the craft book, INTO THE WOODS, A FIVE ACT JOURNEY INTO STORY by John Yorke. He compares three act structure to Campbell to Shakespeare to Save the Cat to Breaking Bad. It’s awesome.