"There's no change," Doctor Havel's monthly prognosis was delivered on cue.

A sigh escaped her. Barely audible… the merest whisper… a reluctant weariness… from the depths of her soul…

A sigh of dejection laced with a growing resignation.

The doctor turned to pat the lifeless hand.

"How much longer, doctor?"

"Who knows? Weeks? Months… maybe years…?"

"Can she hear anything? Feel anything…? Anything at all?"

"That depends…"

You can never get a direct answer.

A welcome sense of detachment overpowered her, seeped into every fibre of her being, curled itself around her heart, extinguished the wavering glimmer of hope… dulled her senses…

You can find out more about the weekly drabble, hosted by Aheila on her blog: http://thewriteaholicblog.wordpress.com


  1. Ryan on January 31, 2012 at 6:27 pm

    I really like the adeptness with which you approach subject matter like the one here. You bring out really well the mix of feeling we imagine a patient in such condition experiences without becoming morbid or depressing.

  2. tara tyler on January 31, 2012 at 8:52 pm

    excellent job, mish. very real and hopeless. i feel her numbness at the vague dr.’s verdict.

  3. shelly on January 31, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    Nicely done, again.

  4. Aheila on February 1, 2012 at 2:05 am

    I'm with the family; really nice take on a delicate subject matter.

  5. mish on February 1, 2012 at 9:57 am

    @Ryan ~ thanks for the concrit… 🙂

    @Tara ~ this one proved to be quite a challenge… I wasn't sure which angle to use…

    @Shelly ~ thanks for the thumbs-up!

    @Aheila ~ delicate is an understatement 🙂 The numbness actually encompasses every one who is caught up in this situation… the patient, the family members & the doctor (to a lesser extent)

    • Sarah Pearson on February 4, 2012 at 4:06 pm

      I'm late but so glad I didn't  miss this. An incredibly honest look at a difficult subject.

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